Vvrael Destroyer Loot 08/14/2013 07:16 PM CDT
I've been thinking about leveling up a vvrael killer lately because I'm tired of not being able to kill them, and they can get extremely annoying in the Scatter.

I was also wondering...how is their loot overall? I'm guessing they're pretty underhunted since most professions can't touch them.

~ Methais
Re: Vvrael Destroyer Loot 08/14/2013 08:24 PM CDT
I don't think they're exactly left untouched. I would say that 2/3rds of the hunters in there can take them down. Maybe more.

Re: Vvrael Destroyer Loot 08/14/2013 10:34 PM CDT
I for one, relish in destroying them ;)

Their loot has gotten worse actually..
Re: Vvrael Destroyer Loot 08/14/2013 10:37 PM CDT
I agree. Now, liches, on the other hand. . .

Re: Vvrael Destroyer Loot 08/15/2013 02:48 AM CDT

I have done some lich hunting in Plat recently with a nearly 18 mil exp rogue with some of the best gear possible.

Boy, they are hard.

Alone, I can manage them, at great cost of mana with dispels. But the way the Scatter swarms makes it nearly impossible to kill them. Why does the Scatter swarm so much? I swear I am alone up there and can count 20-30 creatures between both sides of the barrier. It's just nuts.

If anyone has any good strategies for a casting ambushing rogue, let me know. So far I can manage liches if I get one alone, dispel it a couple of times, get luck sweeping it, then ambush it to the head with 117 up. The level difference takes so much out of my arsenal (ewave, cheapshots, sweep).
