Pick Pocketing 12/29/2010 04:36 PM CST
If I see Leash in a room, I glance at him and close my bags. I grin at him, he grins at me. If I know he is in town, I sanct in the gemshop and the pawnshop before I open up to sell. I take my needles out and give 'em a quick polishing, and I set my jaws.

I don't care for being stolen from and I protect myself against it. I enjoy the character of Leash, even if I dislike his thievery. I wouldn't want to see PP done away with. Pick Pockets make the genre more realistic for me.

That being said, I am discouraged that the penalties are not of much consequence to the caught thief, as seems to be indicated in these threads.

How about eliminating the option to being able to buy your way out of jail if caught? No "fine-only" sentences -maybe combine them with public stocks and/or question answering as the only way. Nothing like a public stoning, or in our case, fruiting, to get some revenge on the thief who took your pretty-little-pony statue from your backpack that you forgot you had open.

Make the fruit stains last a couple hours, so even after you're free of the stocks you're covered in fermemnted and rancid berry juice. Perhaps the odor would waft as you walked into a room, even while sneaking there'd be that foul sour odor.

People would ask about the stench, it would encourage interaction directly related to Thieving. Make it public, and don't allow instant-outs.

My two cents, thanks for reading!

~Zenaxa, among others.

Re: Pick Pocketing 12/29/2010 04:53 PM CST
I kind of like the fruit idea with the smell sticking around a while. I think with the first offense you can get the option of either fine or stocks, second time is just automatically thrown in the stocks, third time I say they pay a fine and spend time in the stocks, for the fourth time and everyone after steeper fines and longer time spent in the stocks with more fruit being brought out every now and then because right now the basket gets empty and just stays that way.
Re: Pick Pocketing 12/30/2010 01:45 AM CST
I have to say I'm always up for a good public fruiting as well! Some of my best interactions with pickpockets and scoundrels have been at a public fruiting.

-- Robert
Re: Pick Pocketing 12/30/2010 04:33 PM CST
My recent observations prompt my comment. If you are a capped rogue and less than half capped bard sees you steal something from them, there there should be no reason why a character has to wait for local law enforcement to wander by to accuse them of theft. 24 hr window perhaps to accuse, accused character should not have to be in game, in the same area. When you catch them you flag them. If ten people catch you, you could face ten charges, when you show your face again, today, next week, next month, if accused.

Stiff penalties should be imposed as a deterant to the crime to begin with, up to and including banishment from the town you have become a known thief in.

About the act itself, there are indeed many things I can do to prevent being stolen from, which take an active resistance on my part. There is also an action that must be enacted to create the problem. STEAL. If you aren't going to RP thru the theft, then don't innitiate it. If you aren't prepared to be possibly hanged, or banished for doing it, then don't do it.
Re: Pick Pocketing 01/01/2011 05:54 PM CST
FONTENOTP's Post - Good idea's. I support any of them and it's a nice relief to see someone on the otherside of pickpocketing not immediately want to just cast it to the wayside.

SCRAPPERK's Post - You dont need to wait for local law enforcement to wander by. You can always go to your local constabulary and immediately accuse, with or without the captain/constable present.

Other than that I have no problems with that post either as i'm a firm believer of "Doing the crime vs doing the time." Just keep in mind that fumbles do happen, especially in the inperfect world that is Gemstone 4. A level 50 anything will catch a capped character on a fumble.

Re: Pick Pocketing 01/01/2011 06:09 PM CST
This does remind me. Are the four winds items still pickable? That is the only problem I have with pickpocketing. These are (in come cases) highly customized items that, when stolen, can be impossible to replace quickly and easily. If you didn't have to contact a GM to reset your ability to get a new item when one is stolen, it wouldn't be so much of a pain.