Heavy armor and stealing. 03/13/2013 04:04 PM CDT
Does wearing heavy armor have any significant impact on pickpocketing? Say I'm stealing from someone my same level, and I am 2x trained...
Re: Heavy armor and stealing. 03/13/2013 05:29 PM CDT

Your heavy armor will not hinder you from your PvP thefting encounters.

Re: Heavy armor and stealing. 03/13/2013 11:19 PM CDT
According to Ildran ( http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Pickpocketing_factors_saved_post ) the thief is hindered by 'armor.' He didn't specifically state how or if it depends on the AG or ASG or whatever.

I wouldn't let that stop you though.
Re: Heavy armor and stealing. 03/13/2013 11:47 PM CDT
Could have sworn there was a followup that just stated any armor, with the various ASG's making no difference, but I could be wrong.

Re: Heavy armor and stealing. 03/14/2013 08:26 AM CDT
I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. He was usually pretty specific when he got extra official. Either way I don't think it's a major factor.