Need Help from a friendly Paladin 02/12/2017 11:13 PM CST
It seems I've stumbled across a bonded weapon and the original owner is nowhere to be found. I am looking for a Paladin who wouldn't mind bonding it, then breaking that bond. Will tip!
Re: Need Help from a friendly Paladin 02/13/2017 03:33 AM CST
I'd suggest assisting the item if you haven't already. I'm not entirely sure a paladin can undo the bond or bond over it do to speak.

As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.

AIM: Kaight (Matt) GS4
Re: Need Help from a friendly Paladin 02/13/2017 08:08 AM CST
>I'd suggest assisting the item if you haven't already. I'm not entirely sure a paladin can undo the bond or bond over it do to speak.
A couple of things from both Mestys and Coase about bonded weapons, posted sometime around 10/5/07:
As was mentioned, 1625 must be CHANNELed at the weapon in order to break the bond.
"Should the Paladin decide to bond to another weapon, they may CHANNEL Sanctify at their bonded weapon to break their current bond and then repeat the bonding ritual with another weapon. The CHANNEL step is optional, but failure to sever the old link will render the formerly bonded weapon unusable by anyone, should it never touch its former master's hands again."
>Yes. That's actually the way it has to be done. You shouldn't bond to a new weapon before breaking the bond with the old one, or the old one becomes pretty useless. Essentially, you can only break your most recent bond. The steps would be: break current bond, bond with old weapon, break bond on old weapon, rebond with new weapon. - M
>Alternatively, find a warrior to bond to the old weapon and have them break the bond. - M
The bond will also dissolve if the formerly bonded person simply swings their old bonded weapon at creature. ;)
Basically, you shouldn't need to assist or anything if you can find a paladin or a warrior willing to bond to the weapon and then break the bond. Hope it helps.
GM Emeradan
GemStone IV Forums
