Any chance of looking into the overall costs for training in each armor skill? As it stands now it is totally impossible to fully train in two of the skills. You can only get 5 ranks in one, 3 in a second, and 0 in the third. This essentially requires you to pick one only to use, because if they are more or less similar at rank 5 vs rank 5 (so people might pick other things) than rank 5 vs rank 3 is horribly imbalanced in favor of the fully trained one. If they cost ~100 armor ranks to master, people could (with enough dedication) get two skills and pick between them as they saw fit. There would still be trade offs in that you could only pick two of the three to train and one of the two for a given hunt.
Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain,
And the stream that falls from the hill to plain.
Better than rain or rippling brook,
Is a mug of beer inside this Took.