Lost Sleek Lor Runestaff 12/26/2010 06:19 PM CST
I killed the Ithzir but couldn't get the runestaff fast enough:

[Old Ta'Faendryl, Southeast]
The short jagged edges of a row of broken towers thrust skyward, like a line of upraised swords, along the edge of the path. Running between each tower is a ragged line of dirt and stone, the last remnants of a low wall that once enclosed a large open square to the north. You also see a *sleek lor runestaff*, a twisted crystal-tipped staff, a timid wood spirit that is flying around, a greater construct that is webbed, the Zenaxa disk, an Ithzir janissary and a long flight of stairs ascending up the outer edge of the wall.

If anyone happens across it... appreciation all the way around. Thank you!

Re: Lost Sleek Lor Runestaff-FOUND 12/26/2010 06:22 PM CST
FOUND! I left this up as a wonderful THANKYOU to Jabee! Awesome job all the way around!