Monks need help. 10/27/2016 06:05 AM CDT
Monks need to have a revamp. Monks are seriously underpowered comparatively to other professions. Monks spells are almost useless in combat to include 1207 when confronted with multiple critters. 1219 besides being horrendously expensive is hard to ward critters same age.

While Moc has helped quite a bit in the physical combat area, it isn't enough. Even with krynch running. This past week I've noticed a change, and perhaps its just a run of bad luck, but usually if I have a critter tiered to good I could usually ambush them and kill it outright, this last week I've had to hit them multiple times in order to kill them, and these critters are over 5 years younger than me.

Monks are the only profession who is supposed to be geared for uac and yet we have to tier in order to effectively hit somthing, somthing no other class has to deal with within thier primary hunting strategy. although we are a pure it is crazy expensive to learn anything to do with mental training, and most are in debt to their physical tp's by a lot.

I keep seeing other prof's come out with changes and benefits, and monks being left completely alone. Monks need changes to allow them to competively compete with other classes. Even the two spells we can deal out are hardly ever wanted, and our group focused spells drop when dazed, or stunned, or head injury leaving us vulnerable at critical times. It would be nice to see monks getting some attention to bring us up to par with others.

Re: Monks need help. 10/29/2016 05:18 AM CDT
Githros capped? I think HSN addressed the pre cap issues pretty well, but monks remain hugely disadvantaged in whats available for progression post cap. (300 DS, 100 UAF, 100 TD and 75 CS are my rough estimates of what is missing at true cap)
Re: Monks need help. 10/29/2016 02:58 PM CDT

Yeah he is capped. It is more than just added strength, defense, cs, and such, monks lack utility. There has to be more to them then just the go out swing and call it a day. that would basically just be a warrior without the added abilities of the warrior. Monks need to be able to bring somthing to the table like all other classes and right now they have nothing to offer.
Re: Monks need help. 11/08/2016 03:08 AM CST

Monks are squares. Not pures. If I needed to add these missing numbers to my character, I would have a 900DS in offense, ranged DS would be 1k (4x robes), 810 UAF (6-8x gloves), 525 TD and 455 CS. If you think we need those numbers, you're doing it wrong.

With the addition of UAC Mstrike, I think monks are likely the best balanced class in the game. Its the other prof's that are still over powered

Having said all of that, Ive also noticed my crit kills after tier2 have gone way down. I thought maybe I was just having a bad go after taking EG off, but sometimes it just seems broken compared to my aimed kills from advantage GOOD a few weeks before that.

I was also hunting for some troll teeth in the Stronghold, using provoke (1235), it was lasting 10 seconds. Something is wrong there - at least its not 80 mana this time.

Monks may have to tier up against enemies, unlike other foes, but using UAC, you're almost guaranteed to hit your target, regardless of a 500 UAF or 700. The part that sucks is trying to fight anything higher level, as your chance to tier seems to go down as the levels go up. Anything over 10 or 20 levels, and you need cman kifocus to even attempt to tier, otherwise, you may as well jab for 3 points hoping flares go off as you watch your group mates hitting for 100-200 points of damage. The 20 level difference for me only happens in REIM. Unfortunately, level and skills are only capped for player characters. Sadly, and hopefully, I'll never have to, or be able to, replace the level 250+ drill sergeant Kiel has for highest foe vanquished.

Maybe Monks are just better in plat.

Russ - Kiel