So my empath is in love with Fire Spirit.... there's nothing more fun then lighting up a bunch of trolls with it. I know the tomb trolls she's just started hunting will likely be the last trolls she faces unless she joins GoS (ha! no....), but it's still fun against other critters, just not as fun. Unless she's hunting something immune to fire, she's making use of this spell on a hunt.
Anyway, she just hit 50 ranks in Summoning Lore and I'm debating if I want to get more or start getting ranks in something else. Looking over the effects it has on other spells, I've either already got or aren't interested in them. I'm also happy with the max targets she has for splash damage (outside an invasion, I'm not going to be in a room with 10+ critters). So, what is comes down to is whether half the DF per rank is worth the TPs or not?
If I'm not going to notice a difference, I'd be just as happy using those TPs to get 50 ranks in Transformation sooner so she can use REGENERATE 2x a day and boost 1110.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.