Elemental Blade (411) Runestaff Flares Missing 06/01/2017 09:56 AM CDT
Not seeing any flares from plain 0x runestaff with 411. I see plenty of flares with every other flaring runestaff I try.

Chad, player of a few
Re: Elemental Blade (411) Runestaff Flares Missing 06/01/2017 10:33 AM CDT
Seeing them now. Never mind!

Chad, player of a few
Re: Elemental Blade (411) Runestaff Flares Missing 06/01/2017 10:50 AM CDT
If the damage from the blow, OR the crit resulting from damage, results in the death of the target, I believe that you will not get a flare on that swing. For the longest while, my ambushing Thief was firmly convinced that certain weapons just didn't flare, simply because he never saw one.
Re: Elemental Blade (411) Runestaff Flares Missing 06/01/2017 11:20 AM CDT
I think I may have worn out the eblade before I saw a flare and was using a non-ebladed runestaff for a while.

Chad, player of a few