looking for maynist 11/11/2010 06:12 AM CST
I saw a post from Maynist somewhere here and it gave his e mail address, but when I clicked on it, said I did not have the right client to use it; so does any one know Maynist's e mail address? He was my brother and best pal. My e mail address is shoshonna2003@yahoo.com if you would rather just give him that and he could mail me?

Re: looking for maynist 11/30/2010 10:58 PM CST

You made an appearance a few years back then poofed <snap> like that.

It's Z..blah,blah,blah.

Before you poof again, ding me on AIM, that is if if you remember how to spell my characters name and assuming you still use a chat program.

If not, zip me an e-mail.

~Lori aka Horsefreak (One of the Many)