Former Daerath (cleric) looking for friends / acquaintances 10/06/2012 07:50 AM CDT
Hello, I am a former player from ~13 years ago, just returning! (Huzzah!)

I am looking for any who may remember my cleric (Daerath, ended up ~75 trains) from years ago, there are not many names that I myself remember so I'm sure I may have been just lost to the memory abyss over the years.

In particular I'm interested in finding the player of Lady Kareese, Lord Kyrolyn, and Lord Algrus. These were my main friends and we had built up really good relationships in-game and out, although I had lost touch with them all over the years (as the years continue to go by), and would like to know what they are all up to now that I am nearly 30 with a wife, a house, and 3 kids (my dog and 2 cats).

Other familiar names were Mistianna (empath I knew in Mule), Ruarie (a hillarious warrior from Mule), and then the legends of my time in Icemule were Lady Angellisa, Lady Ellanella, Lady Skyfawn and Lord Keemac.

I just saw Myrefalcon the other night and believe he was one of the players from my time as well, but didn't want to bother him further as he was already going out of his way to give me some assistance at the time.

If you have any information on how to contact Kareese, Kyrolyn, or Algrus, please send me an e-mail to or find me in-game, I'm usually around Mule, even if you are only willing to pass a message along for me! (I'm not a stalker, lol I swear, I just miss my old friends!)

Thank you for taking the time to read my rant :)

Re: Former Daerath (cleric) looking for friends / acquaintances 10/17/2012 08:32 AM CDT
Skyfawn and Keemac had moved over to Teras and then I'm not sure what happened to them. I haven't seen them much in awhile...been bouncing in and out of the lands myself over recent years.

Kyrolyn was a very good friend of mine... he left GS some years ago, as he became bored after capping.
In the meantime I have lost touch with him as well, what with life being busy as it is, kids and work myself and he was off in college.
Ironically I was just thinking of him too, and I did shoot him an email at his old school address just last night (since he doesn't use AIM anymore either...), it hasn't bounced back, so if I hear anything I will let you know.

Elanthia's most frequently dead cleric (aka Aryleste)