After a thorough examination, you determine that you are in excellent shape, physically. As far as you can tell, the area around you is extremely bright.
Additionally, you are feeling quite nimble.
Under the current conditions, you think you could probably handle an amazingly difficult trap and a well-crafted lock with any old lockpick.
pick coffer with vaalin lockpick
You settle into the difficult task of picking the lock.
For some reason, you feel especially lucky.
You make an outstanding attempt (d100(open)=171).
You are not able to pick the lock, and learn little about it.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
I know it is supposed to be tough, but not impossible. A full trained capped locksmith cannot open this box??
Re: Krolvin boxes - c'mon guys, this is senseless
07/11/2012 07:38 PM CDT
impossible to pick - not impossible to wedge - I stand corrected
Re: Krolvin boxes - c'mon guys, this is senseless
07/11/2012 09:01 PM CDT
It might have been out of your range but that doesn't make it out of player range. A lored sense of well-crafted is really, really low for cap. (its possible to beat it unlored) Do you know 403? I don't see how you could be that poor with self cast lore.
Re: Krolvin boxes - c'mon guys, this is senseless
07/12/2012 04:58 PM CDT
I do self cast 403 and had cast several minutes of it prior to trying. :)
Best lock I have been able to get was -1400 with a standard vaalin lockpick and lore with a roll of 100. That one I could not even get a read on.
Best lock I have been able to get was -1400 with a standard vaalin lockpick and lore with a roll of 100. That one I could not even get a read on.
Re: Krolvin boxes - c'mon guys, this is senseless
07/12/2012 07:12 PM CDT
I believe picking conditions are correct but I must not have been holding the vaalin lock in my hand when I used lockmaster sense. I did another read and made sure the vaalin pick was in my hand
After a thorough examination, you determine that you are in excellent shape, physically. As far as you can tell, the area around you has pretty average lighting, but is pretty foggy.
Under the current conditions, you think you could probably handle an amazingly difficult trap and a fairly simple lock with any old lockpick. The one in your hand would probably work for an intricate lock.
After a thorough examination, you determine that you are in excellent shape, physically. As far as you can tell, the area around you has pretty average lighting, but is pretty foggy.
Under the current conditions, you think you could probably handle an amazingly difficult trap and a fairly simple lock with any old lockpick. The one in your hand would probably work for an intricate lock.
Re: Krolvin boxes - c'mon guys, this is senseless
07/13/2012 05:54 AM CDT
Any old lockpick
With lore 440-475
Without lore 320-355
Those are good for cap. I was misrembering what lm sense gave you. I was thinking it gave the right range and lm appraise was buggy, but I just checked and they both have the same bug.
I still don't think its sensless to have very high locks on invasion boxes though. Trap range can't go beyond what a capped tripler can disarm fairly easily, and there's always wedges or lockrot oil if the lock is too high to be picked straight. It is annoying that lock ranges stop well before its actually impossibly complex to pick.
With lore 440-475
Without lore 320-355
Those are good for cap. I was misrembering what lm sense gave you. I was thinking it gave the right range and lm appraise was buggy, but I just checked and they both have the same bug.
I still don't think its sensless to have very high locks on invasion boxes though. Trap range can't go beyond what a capped tripler can disarm fairly easily, and there's always wedges or lockrot oil if the lock is too high to be picked straight. It is annoying that lock ranges stop well before its actually impossibly complex to pick.
Re: Krolvin boxes - c'mon guys, this is senseless
07/13/2012 12:20 PM CDT
<<I still don't think its sensless to have very high locks on invasion boxes though. Trap range can't go beyond what a capped tripler can disarm fairly easily, and there's always wedges or lockrot oil if the lock is too high to be picked straight. It is annoying that lock ranges stop well before its actually impossibly complex to pick.>>
After seeing all the discussion and debate I would tend to agree. Wedges are an easy solution for me. The purist locksmith has the challenging boxes with the means to pick those with better than average vaalin lockpicks, and enhansives. Seems to cover both angles. Works for me.
After seeing all the discussion and debate I would tend to agree. Wedges are an easy solution for me. The purist locksmith has the challenging boxes with the means to pick those with better than average vaalin lockpicks, and enhansives. Seems to cover both angles. Works for me.