PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/22/2011 11:37 PM CST
So, as someone who is trying to advance in lock mastery, I find that I keep getting tasked with audience reps, which require four audience members to complete. I've recently run into the problem where people don't like me picking in front of them. Couple this with the lack of people in the normal picking locations, and I have begun having issues with people attacking me for lockpicking. For lack of a better place to find 4 people together, I've been forced to lockpick in TSC. Sometimes, even TSC doesnt have enough people. Obviously, I'd prefer not to do this, and I may very well have attacked people in the past for doing this very thing.
Tonight, I spent approximately 10-15 minutes bound due to another player binding me every time I unlocked a box. I'm curious what everyone else does to cope with this problem... I do not wish to be labelled as some sort of hooligan, and I understand TSC is generally for healing, but it is unfortunately becoming one of the last few places to find a crowd in the landing at certain times.
I'm unsure how wise it is to have audience reps for lockpicking, to begin with... unlocking a box is dangerous, and obviously people are going to be uncomfortable with unwanted (possibly lethal) danger. The rogues guild is essentially asking me to find a crowd and endanger them while I unlock so many boxes, and I can understand why some people don't like this.
The key points I learned from my assist about the unwanted PVP I endured this evening (for those of you who may have similar issues) are:
1) its not against any policy to lockpick in TSC
2) if someone binds/whatevers you repeatedly and interrupts your gameplay, and simple ooc whispering doesnt solve the problem, we should WARN HARASS them.
3) if this person continues to grief you in this way, we should assist and report regarding the WARN so that it can be documented.
4) there is possibly currently no real solution to the problem of audience reps for lock mastery
The things I took away from the experience itself in TSC:
1) it is exceptionally upsetting to have unwanted pvp thrust upon you while you are trying to advance in the guild. Especially when you understand where they are coming from.
2) The patrons of TSC generally seem to feel it is ok to attack people for lockpicking there. The person who attacked me was definitely well backed and considered to be "in the right"
Ideally, I would like to have the audience reps changed to remove this from being a problem in the future. Failing that, I think some might find it helpful to have a news article created to instruct people that it is actually ok to lockpick in TSC.
Being abused by someone who you generally respect for reasons you somewhat agree with is very hard to deal with. I don't know how many more nights like tonight I can handle before I would just hang up my rogue forever.
Anyone have any suggestions or comments on how they have managed to avoid this problem?
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/22/2011 11:55 PM CST
I guess I'll also point out for anyone on the other side of this who may be reading... I just tested this, and you cannot whisper, or whisper ooc while bound. So I guess you move right on to warn harass?
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/22/2011 11:56 PM CST
My turn to chime in here.
I was the one who was doing the binding. After roleplaying out a very clear, albeit humorous warning, he did so again. I then point blank warned him, at which point he did it again and I bound him. He came back again, after being trite (RPing), so I did so another time. We then had a good discussion both IC and OOC in whispers to which I promised to not use bind any longer, but would continue to berate him instead. It was a challenging RP situation, to be fair. I couldn't NOT do anything, but on the flip side I see the concern. Keep in mind all these interactions were completely RP for me as Tk is rather old school and used to do this very thing in TSC eons ago when people were getting blown up left and right.
While TK did have the backing of the majority there, I can also appreciate the frustration outlined here. There's no cause for a faulty mechanic to impede RP and yet given the horrid state of the lands in terms of population, reps that require an audience that can only be found in TSC (and not the guild, east tower, even the niche) is unfair to the players involved.
Societal and safety norms no longer apply it seems after this assist, and I must say I'm disappointed. Mechanics should not imped RP, bottom line, and yet these do. Perhaps the audience tasks can be dropped down to 1 member, so that rogues can couple up to do these reps rather than endangering the public.
Warrior guild audiences never have the chance to injure other players and are harmless background noise. Forcing a rogue to open a box, which in and of itself is a task to find, seems unfair all around.
In hindsight, I do apologize. I should have used Web to make my point at which point I could have untrammeled after making it. I can't say I wouldn't make the point again, but I certainly didn't intend it to be "griefing" which seems a completely foreign term in GS. Apparently not in today's day and age though.
Bottom line, mechanics need to be looked at.
I was the one who was doing the binding. After roleplaying out a very clear, albeit humorous warning, he did so again. I then point blank warned him, at which point he did it again and I bound him. He came back again, after being trite (RPing), so I did so another time. We then had a good discussion both IC and OOC in whispers to which I promised to not use bind any longer, but would continue to berate him instead. It was a challenging RP situation, to be fair. I couldn't NOT do anything, but on the flip side I see the concern. Keep in mind all these interactions were completely RP for me as Tk is rather old school and used to do this very thing in TSC eons ago when people were getting blown up left and right.
While TK did have the backing of the majority there, I can also appreciate the frustration outlined here. There's no cause for a faulty mechanic to impede RP and yet given the horrid state of the lands in terms of population, reps that require an audience that can only be found in TSC (and not the guild, east tower, even the niche) is unfair to the players involved.
Societal and safety norms no longer apply it seems after this assist, and I must say I'm disappointed. Mechanics should not imped RP, bottom line, and yet these do. Perhaps the audience tasks can be dropped down to 1 member, so that rogues can couple up to do these reps rather than endangering the public.
Warrior guild audiences never have the chance to injure other players and are harmless background noise. Forcing a rogue to open a box, which in and of itself is a task to find, seems unfair all around.
In hindsight, I do apologize. I should have used Web to make my point at which point I could have untrammeled after making it. I can't say I wouldn't make the point again, but I certainly didn't intend it to be "griefing" which seems a completely foreign term in GS. Apparently not in today's day and age though.
Bottom line, mechanics need to be looked at.
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/22/2011 11:58 PM CST
<<I guess I'll also point out for anyone on the other side of this who may be reading... I just tested this, and you cannot whisper, or whisper ooc while bound. So I guess you move right on to warn harass?>>
Is this true? You can't whisper OOC while bound? I could appreciate no regular whispering from a mechanical standpoint, but OOC whispering should be allowed I believe.
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/23/2011 12:03 AM CST
You gesture.
An unseen force envelopes you, restricting all movement.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
>whisp <friend> Does this work?
You are unable to move in close enough to whisper.
You feel more refreshed.
>whisp ooc <friend> Does this work?
You are unable to move in close enough to whisper.
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/23/2011 12:35 AM CST
I was the one who was doing the binding. After roleplaying out a very clear, albeit humorous warning, he did so again. I then point blank warned him, at which point he did it again and I bound him. He came back again, after being trite (RPing), so I did so another time. We then had a good discussion both IC and OOC in whispers to which I promised to not use bind any longer, but would continue to berate him instead. It was a challenging RP situation, to be fair. I couldn't NOT do anything, but on the flip side I see the concern. Keep in mind all these interactions were completely RP for me as Tk is rather old school and used to do this very thing in TSC eons ago when people were getting blown up left and right.
I've always thought audience reps in any guild were stupid. Just extra spam to ignore, rogue guild audience reps are especially stupid as they create an undesired situation on all fronts.
Depending on the level, your binds probably last about 5-7 minutes each cast. So you're talking about disabling someone for 10-14 minutes, and that's pretty excessive. I can completely see why he perceives it as griefing, even if you don't. I usually only have about a half hour to play on weeknights, so if I get disabled for half of that I get miffed. I've also never considered having the backing of the mob to mean you're right, anytime I get a mob behind me I start questioning the side I've taken. I get that you see the situation as RP, but I'm not seeing him taking it that way. When determining PvP vs. CvC, both people's perceptions matter.
Your reaction and solution to the problem was ideal at some point in the past, but times have changed. Some GM somewhere decided to force rogues into potentially endangering public safety. I'm not sure binding someone that's already feeling pretty crumby about resorting to TSC is a great use of your RP muscles. I'd prefer to see the mechanic change to not require an audience, but if it doesn't they do need somewhere to perform, and picking in TSC has never been against policy, so I don't see the practice dying out in the future.
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/23/2011 02:27 AM CST
One thing to remember, the 4 people audience rep requirement can be reduced if you find rogues as your audience. I believe rogue members (active) count as two people, while guildmasters count as 3. I used to attempt to do my audience tasks in the rogue guild, that way I was available to help as well.
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/23/2011 08:35 AM CST
Unfortunately, this was during what I would consider prime playing time (around 10pm central I believe), the guild was empty, as was the east tower, and the small park/niche didn't have enough people to qualify as an audience. There were approximately 330 players online. I normally play much later in the evening/early morning, and I can say that on the rare occasion I see someone in the guild, they are just passing through.
TK, a decade ago, I'd have been happy to just stalk you until you were unprepared and remove a few unnecessary limbs. Unfortunately, our particular flavors of vigilante justice are no longer acceptable, and we must abide by the current rules. Lockpicking a box is not an action that warrants attack, and bind/web/silence/stun/etc are attacks. It is unfortunate that you will still consider them in the future, and that will be a conversation for a different forum. I intend to continue to lockpick in TSC for reps unless another option is open, while disarming and opening the boxes elsewhere (as I was doing until after the 2nd bind, where I'll admit I grew irritated and just starting doing everything in TSC).
I'm somewhat glad this happened, as it can be used as a reference for people to learn that it is really not okay to use force on another player to make them adhere to any societal norms. No player is judge/jury/executioner. We have tools in place to enforce the city laws (justice system) and policy (assist/referral).
TK, a decade ago, I'd have been happy to just stalk you until you were unprepared and remove a few unnecessary limbs. Unfortunately, our particular flavors of vigilante justice are no longer acceptable, and we must abide by the current rules. Lockpicking a box is not an action that warrants attack, and bind/web/silence/stun/etc are attacks. It is unfortunate that you will still consider them in the future, and that will be a conversation for a different forum. I intend to continue to lockpick in TSC for reps unless another option is open, while disarming and opening the boxes elsewhere (as I was doing until after the 2nd bind, where I'll admit I grew irritated and just starting doing everything in TSC).
I'm somewhat glad this happened, as it can be used as a reference for people to learn that it is really not okay to use force on another player to make them adhere to any societal norms. No player is judge/jury/executioner. We have tools in place to enforce the city laws (justice system) and policy (assist/referral).
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/23/2011 08:40 AM CST
I know not everyone is interested in doing something like this every time (and I don't either), but if there's a bunch of people I plan on disturbing with LM audience reps, I'll usually just say something to them in case anyone was planning on taking offense. I usually dominate them with bull about what I'm doing and never give them a chance to object. Put on a show, as it were.
You can fool people pretty easily, too. There've been a few times where I'd just started talking to some random person about whatever came to mind, and what that does is make it look like what you're doing in acceptable because other people are paying attention to you and not to what you're doing. It's like forcing others to unwittingly put peer pressure on people.
Making people laugh always works, also.
In the rare case that people do insist on objecting, I'll just humiliate them and rob them.
I guess what I'm saying is, find ways to have fun with it. Most everybody will play along.
~Brian, Sepher's player, not a fan of Bind either.
You can fool people pretty easily, too. There've been a few times where I'd just started talking to some random person about whatever came to mind, and what that does is make it look like what you're doing in acceptable because other people are paying attention to you and not to what you're doing. It's like forcing others to unwittingly put peer pressure on people.
Making people laugh always works, also.
In the rare case that people do insist on objecting, I'll just humiliate them and rob them.
I guess what I'm saying is, find ways to have fun with it. Most everybody will play along.
~Brian, Sepher's player, not a fan of Bind either.
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/23/2011 05:53 PM CST
<<TK, a decade ago, I'd have been happy to just stalk you until you were unprepared and remove a few unnecessary limbs. Unfortunately, our particular flavors of vigilante justice are no longer acceptable, and we must abide by the current rules. Lockpicking a box is not an action that warrants attack, and bind/web/silence/stun/etc are attacks. It is unfortunate that you will still consider them in the future, and that will be a conversation for a different forum. I intend to continue to lockpick in TSC for reps unless another option is open, while disarming and opening the boxes elsewhere (as I was doing until after the 2nd bind, where I'll admit I grew irritated and just starting doing everything in TSC). >>
Don't know if you noticed, but I actually spelled up during it, assuming you would have. :) I fully expected it, and would have embraced it.
Perhaps times have changed so much that it's simply not acceptable, and as I said, I do apologize (as a player). Perhaps the next point I'll make will be a brief one, or I'll concoct some reason for TK to not be in TSC when it happens. Or perhaps, a pretty lass will keep his attention so he simply doesn't notice. I'll find ways to not impede a players ability to do reps and such while, hopefully, still making my point known. I'm certainly not a griefer, and not at all intending to limit someone's enjoyment of the game, so, as long as you're considerate about seeing him and not egging him on with picking, perhaps he'll simply walk away as well.
Either way, yes lesson learned.
Don't know if you noticed, but I actually spelled up during it, assuming you would have. :) I fully expected it, and would have embraced it.
Perhaps times have changed so much that it's simply not acceptable, and as I said, I do apologize (as a player). Perhaps the next point I'll make will be a brief one, or I'll concoct some reason for TK to not be in TSC when it happens. Or perhaps, a pretty lass will keep his attention so he simply doesn't notice. I'll find ways to not impede a players ability to do reps and such while, hopefully, still making my point known. I'm certainly not a griefer, and not at all intending to limit someone's enjoyment of the game, so, as long as you're considerate about seeing him and not egging him on with picking, perhaps he'll simply walk away as well.
Either way, yes lesson learned.
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/23/2011 06:37 PM CST
Nice. Sounds like you guys handled it really well, to me.
I have to admit, when I was mastering LFM I had to do a few reps in TSC.... which really irked the old fella in me. But, mostly I got lucky being in River's Rest since everyone rests where the pickers are anyhow.
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/24/2011 08:52 AM CST
Isn't TSC sancted? Can bind/web still be cast there? That's kinda mean to the squares...
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/24/2011 01:04 PM CST
It isn't sancted (unless a resident cleric/empath sancts it)
Get in there and steal stuff!
Get in there and steal stuff!
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/24/2011 07:11 PM CST
<<It isn't sancted (unless a resident cleric/empath sancts it)>>
Mind. Blown.
Mind. Blown.
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/24/2011 11:34 PM CST
TSC used to be sancted, I believe a storyline changed it somewhere during an invasion. (Kenstrom probably?) and it was never changed back.
That said, I use TSC for lock mastery audience reps all the time when playing my rogue and have never had an issue. It is NOT against policy. I do try to be considerate and take the time to disarm my boxes away from TSC, but that isn't full proof of course.
I'd be upset too if someone was harassing me with binds. It is tough enough to get LM reps without being bound for 5 minutes between reps. There is already a natural justice system set up for people who set of traps in public. There's absolutely no need for this type of vigilante 'justice' in TSC when there are many other places you can rest afk without worry of being hit by a random trap.
That said, I use TSC for lock mastery audience reps all the time when playing my rogue and have never had an issue. It is NOT against policy. I do try to be considerate and take the time to disarm my boxes away from TSC, but that isn't full proof of course.
I'd be upset too if someone was harassing me with binds. It is tough enough to get LM reps without being bound for 5 minutes between reps. There is already a natural justice system set up for people who set of traps in public. There's absolutely no need for this type of vigilante 'justice' in TSC when there are many other places you can rest afk without worry of being hit by a random trap.
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/25/2011 08:29 AM CST
>Mind. Blown.
Various people and squirrels are messing about.
A turkey overlord just came in.
A turkey overlord gobbles.
A turkey overlord just cast a ball of freezing cold at you
(Oddly enough, despite being hit by a freezing ball of cold with an endroll in the 700s, I melted.)
Various dead people are bitterly moaning about their state of affairs while some capped characters have a go at getting a turkey into their profile. The squirrels are completely unaffected.
The lack of a sanct fits with the storyline and isn't just an excuse for turkeys to down battalions of clerics and empaths with a single gobble.
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/26/2011 03:32 PM CST
That was you it hit with that? I lost it with the screen scroll of death that followed, that was some serious splash, I walked away unharmed some how.
>>Various dead people are bitterly moaning about their state of affairs while some capped characters have a go at getting a turkey into their profile.
Sadly, no turkey for me.
>>Various dead people are bitterly moaning about their state of affairs while some capped characters have a go at getting a turkey into their profile.
Sadly, no turkey for me.
Re: PVP and lock mastery audience reps
11/26/2011 04:49 PM CST
>That was you it hit with that? I lost it with the screen scroll of death that followed, that was some serious splash, I walked away unharmed some how.
Among a score of others. It's a GM special. Multi target spell rather than a splash. Cone like, but hitting a large number rather than the entire room. If it uses up its quota of targets before it gets to you, then you get to walk away.