Trap extracting 07/08/2011 10:01 AM CDT
When extracting traps, what factors are involved? Does 404 help with extraction? Whatv are the hardest traps to extract? I've been stuck on this 1 rep, 1 point away from rank, for a long time now. I was just wondering if there's factors that help extract, that I don't know about, or something.

Re: Trap extracting 07/08/2011 12:20 PM CDT
404 does help. I'd suggest putting up 402 as well if you know the spell. Always head to a bright room and make sure you aren't injured. There is no way to guarantee you'll pull the trap, but the higher the margin you succeed by, I've noticed a better chance of pulling the trap. You can always hunt a lower area to find plenty of easier trapped boxes if you have the patience, but don't go too low or you will mostly find only locks.

I don't know if any particular type of trap is easier or harder to pull once you've mastered, but when in training, you will definately be better at the traps you've already learned. I'd actually turn in some of the orb and crystal tasks to get pull any type of trap tasks towards the end as I had a much better chance pulling jaws and needles.
Re: Trap extracting 07/11/2011 10:51 AM CDT
>>>When extracting traps, what factors are involved? Does 404 help with extraction? Whatv are the hardest traps to extract? I've been stuck on this 1 rep, 1 point away from rank, for a long time now. I was just wondering if there's factors that help extract, that I don't know about, or something. ~Talh

Did you finally manage to get your last rep/rank?

There are factors for successful disarming, but there was a post by Ildran years ago during I believe the first year of Lockmasterys trap removal release. It stated that he seperated the successful disarm aspect from the successful removal of a trap component aspect and gave the second part a secondary roll.

Unfortunately, I searched my system and krakiipedia for the post and did not find it.

What that means is that successfully disarming the trap is all the factors we know about, actually keeping the trap component (except for scarabs) is based on a secondary roll.

Unless some other Gamemaster has come along and tweaked what Ildran did, it should still be the same. I know the amunet part was taken out of the hinderance for disarming, but that was all that I've seen mentioned here about changes to lockpicking, disarming and Lockmastery. Ildran did state in the below that some traps are easier than others to disarm (they have their own modifier) but I have no idea how that plays into the secondary roll for successful component removal.

For those that want it here's a saved post by Ildran:

Category: Rogues
Topic: Locksmithing and Traps
Message number: 5141
Author: GS4-ILDRAN (GM Ildran)
Date: 8/6/2005 5:19:09 PM
Subject: Factors for Success

IOI: 4

Okay, here are the factors for success at each of the three tasks, by default, in a very particular order. Some traps may add their own modifiers. I don't think there's anything revolutionary here.

Spotting traps:

Helps - Disarm skill, Intuition bonus, Perception skill, Traplore, Presence, Self Control, good lighting, Lucksong (helps your luck) (CHANGE: You can mod down a trap like lockpicking now)
Hurts - Trap discovery difficulty, wounds, amunet(REMOVED - no longer affects), Sounds, Interference, Weapon Deflection, bad lighting, fog, fumbles

Disarming traps:

Helps - Disarm skill, Dexterity bonus, Lucksong (helps your luck), Traplore, Self Control, good lighting, "modding down"
Hurts - Trap disarming difficulty, fumbles, amunet(REMOVED - no longer affects), Sounds, Interference, Weapon Deflection, bad lighting, fog, wounds


Helps - Picking skill, Dexterity bonus, Locklore, lockpick, open rolls, "modding down"
Hurts - Wounds, not enough skill for the used lockpick, fumbles

- Consigliere Ildran, Shizlock Holmesplice

Except for scarabs, after mastering LFM, there are a many, many traps that I disarm, but never get the component. It does seem that jaws and needles are easier to remove than vials, dark crystals and spheres.

~Lori aka Horsefreak (One of the Many)