Hey there folks!
I figured this would be the easiest and quickest way to get a note out to many of the Amazons out there.
There is an event in the works that will be utilizing some of the games and contest the Amazon Tribe had during our Strength Festival, and I'd like to ask if any of you would be willing to give us a hand in pulling this new event off.
Nothing like the Amazon spirit behind some of the former Amazon events, not to mention the experience! I know a few of us spoke about doing such an event during the Leya Gathering and thus, here's my short missive.
If you'd be willing to help out, please drop me a note at Sylanae@play.net so I can let you know what we're working on in a bit more detail. This is, of course not, limited to the Amazon Tribe's sisters, but any Amazon interested in lending a hand.
The Gryphons, KZ Society (my group) and Danay's group (eek, I don't know the official name!) are the ones teaming up to bring some fun and challenges to the masses, but I know it would be even better with the help of y'all.
So now that I've babbled on, please drop me a line if you're able!
With affection,
Interested in offering charity and goodwill, fun and games, learning and reflection to your fellow man, woman, elf, gnome, giant, halfling.. well you get the picture. The Kaskara Zahar Society is always welcoming folks with a charitable bent and energy to add a spark to an evening with fun events. Just contact Sylanae at Sylanae@play.net or around Solhaven. If you're looking to host an event but don't have the support of a group, drop us a line too, we'd be happy to help.
Visit Timeless Treasures in Solhaven. One block southeast of the main entrance to the Spiral Passageway (Solhaven's citzen shopping area) in the sprawling maple-shingled gallery. Check out our inventory here: http://playershops.com/TimelessTreasures. Be sure to keep an eye out for our weekly almost free item. Just 1 silver.