12/02/2015 03:34 PM CST
Holy Abandonment, Batman.
Give a shout out, Leyans!
It's awful lonely up in here.
~ X.
"Xayle is my spirit animal." ~ Aiska
Re: Holla.
12/02/2015 10:19 PM CST
We'd never want you to be lonely! My whole clan worships Leya ... Leyann LeyasChosen, priestess of Leya; Gailiana Swordwieldr the Amazon, and Gailiet,bardess who sings Leya's praises.
Re: Holla.
12/03/2015 08:24 AM CST
Not completely lonely! There are still a couple of us around. I and my little Elf recently returned after a very long vacation and are still carrying the flame for her Lady Leya.
'Chelle, Mistytwilight's muse.
'Chelle, Mistytwilight's muse.