(a.k.a. "Whatever happened to...")
Ran across an old file--looks like I saved it in June of 2007--with a bunch of different posts about items in which I had an interest.
How many of them do people know of that are still lurking around?
And if they are still here, who has 'em?
Category The Marketplace (10)
Topic Armor (2)
Message a veil iron chain hauberk - reversible crit/damage padding (842)
On May 9, 2000 at 17:25
a veil iron chain hauberk - +25 somewhat crit/damage padded 35 pounds and 99/445 first 22.5m (down from 30m) takes this unique armor.
Links of dwarven-forged metal fall together to form a protective barrier between the hauberk's wearer and harm. The design is simple and elegant, unmarked by anything other than exceptional craftsmanship. You also notice a small enchanter's mark.
rub my haub You run your hand over your hauberk, a chill ripple of blue light following in the wake of your fingers. (crit padding - low resonant note)
rub my haub You run your hand over your hauberk, a chill ripple of green light following in the wake of your fingers. (damage padding - deep bass note)
This was an auction item from the first pay airship auction. Lookin fer coin only. I paid 7.5m + an item I was offered 25m fer, total 32.5m for this hauberk. Maybe I overpaid but I dun think so. How many reversible padded armors are out der? 22.5m fer dis is a steal.
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Category The Marketplace (10)
Topic Scripted and Unusual Items (19)
Message No subject (645)
On Apr 4, 2000 at 16:55
I am selling two god auction items I am in posession of. They are identical to each other in every way except for the rune on the blade's hilt and the color of the flames. The one with crimson flames also has fire flares where the one with green flames has acid flares. The item is a mithril short sword. When examined you see "The blade is finely crafted but bears no remarkable workmanship. A curious elven rune of fire is etched upon the base of the hilt." The blade is normally only a regular 0x short sword, 4 pounds and 90/225. However when you wave it, its stats change and it becomes flaming. See log below:
What I need most is a remarkeable one handed edged blade. Something highly enchanted and weighted, perhaps. Also interested in a humanoid shape, a troll heart necklace, some other interesting Auction items... Coins might be considered as well.
That's as thorough as I can be! [[[pants]]]
Humbly Yours, Lord Elendryl Dreamweaver, High Elven Woodsman, Prince of Namar-Tol
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Category The Marketplace (10)
Topic One-Hand Edged Weapons (9)
Message 4x poison fal (494)
On Apr 2, 2000 at 18:37
I have a unique falchion, got it at god auction before last:
a rusty black falchion show: You see some greenish gas swirling about the rusty black falchion. -4x enchanted -strength: 90/200(bout average, certainly better than the poison daggers) -the poison strength seems to vary, crits randomly around every 2-7 swings or so
looking for some nice trades, i have other alters and weapons to trade as well. looking for familiar casting items, quaking/ewaveing weapons or possibly other scripted stuff, thanks.
oh, my e-mail is <redacted due to age>, feel free to IM, or e-mail me about the fal. thanks
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Category The Marketplace (10)
Topic Two-Handed Weapons (10)
Message a scarlet golvern twin flail (230)
On Apr 3, 2000 at 11:00
I am taking mostly trade offers on this auction flail, any coin offers need to be high as I much prefer trades.
It is a scarlet golvern twin flail. <when shown> A thick heavy chain covered with nicks and scratches from an untold number of conflicts bind a pair of fat golvern foot long cylinders to an extended wooden handle. Imposing steel nails poke out from each cylinder from top to bottom, with some of them exhibiting heavy damage from extended use. A scarlet leather strap wraps tightly down the long handle, ending in a brass lion head, frozen in mid-roar. You also notice a small enchanter's mark.
this flail is 7x enchants with exceptional damage weighting (+15 points per swing).
Send offers or questions to <redacted due to age>
Dwarren Blackwolfe
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Category The Marketplace (10)
Topic Blunt Weapons (11)
Message Critter Found Mattock (159)
By JR1550
On Apr 3, 2000 at 17:59
I would like to put this unique mattock up for sale or trade. I will be entertaining offers but reserve the right to withdraw this one of a kind weapon. Please send offers to <redacted due to age>
A glistening dark glaes war mattock. 84/210 3x 2handed blunt critter found. Show description - The surface of the mattock's head still bears the marks of its maker's skilled craft. The slightly dished ripples from the blows which shaped the chunk of dark glaes form a pattern, catching any available light and causing it to glisten like a faceted gem. MB Make offer, trades considered.
Thanks for your interest in the weapon. <redacted due to age>
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Category The Marketplace (10)
Topic One-Hand Edged Weapons (9)
Message A long black knife (472)
On Mar 28, 2000 at 17:36
Item : A long black knife Description : The blade of the knife is coated with a sticky black film Enchants : None Breakage : 18/195...yup it'sa noodle! Weight : 1 pound or less Abilities : Poison flares from from hidden ambush, poison is equal to damage dealt
Would love to trade this for a scripted item, a la Staff or walking stick. Other then that I guess I could take silvers, but I'd much rather trade it off. Though I may take silvers if need be to find poor Sharpy a good home, though I've no desire to be rich. Send a messenger to me at Stupsu if interested.
~~Vintral the Baker
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Category The Marketplace (10)
Topic Polearms (12)
Message an urnon trident (65)
On Apr 1, 2000 at 14:24
still compiling info on this.... it's from the recent premium auction, it's 4x, 94/285 breakage, tis what my guides call a polearm base, weight is 11 pounds, has fire flares and a small description about them when you take it out... it emits a small flame when removed from a container or picked up.
i.e. You get an urnon trident from inside your cerulean-hued cloak. It emits a small flame.
You swing an urnon trident at a kobold! AS: +44 vs DS: +44 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +32 = +62 A clean miss. Urnon trident clashes with javelin! [STR/DU: 94/289 vs. 17/105, d100(Open)= 114]
please send all offers to me at <redacted due to age> and i hope this answers some questions that people have sent me.
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Category The Marketplace (61)
Topic Scripted and Unusual Items (19)
Message Re: Dhe'nar Warblade & Strength Belt (451)
On Mar 3, 2000 at 12:56
'a golden Pennant Chase belt'
(Pennant Chase prize, mage rechargeable wizard strength, 40 charges)
Cureent Bid: 7 million to Private ONCE Buyout set at: 10 million
Contact <redacted due to age>
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Category The Marketplace (61)
Topic Blunt Weapons (11)
Message Chaos hammer (134)
On Mar 4, 2000 at 09:34
A <colour> chaos hammer is the base description.
When looked at: The chaos hammer seems to be continuiously changing, as if your eyes can't seem to focus on it.
The chaos hammer has four different flares; fire, lightning, cold and vibe and has flared more than five times in a row.. the flares are random, depending on what colour it changes.
The chaos hammer has both crit and damage weighting. The intensity of the weighting is random as well, I've seen it go from light to heavy.
The chaos hammer goes from -x to +x.. depending on how old and how often you use it, the enchant will get higher. (I heard it can go from -10x to 10x but don't quote me on that.)
The chaos has an interesting story to it when sung to. It's definitely a unique collector's item!
I'm interested in both silvers and trades. E-mail me at: <redacted due to age>
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Category The Marketplace (61)
Topic Two-Hand Edged Weapons (10)
Message Quarterstaff (51)
On Jan 10, 2000 at 01:40
Selling a translucent vultite alloy quarterstaff, you know the one. It is +22, masterfully crit weighted, and 95/380.
It is staff based (requires training in twohanded weapons to use), so it is about 3 seconds faster than most other twohanded weapons, so if you are using a greatsword now, you can expect your rt to be 3 seconds lower (with five seconds being the minimum of course) with this quarterstaff. Nice for those of you who are wearing heavier armor before you are trained for it, this really makes a difference.
MB is 600k, trade offers always considered. Email me at <redacted due to age> if you are interested.
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Category For Sale, Auction or Barter (4)
Topic Armor (13)
Message Glistening Black Golvern Plate Armor. (3010)
By BRANDY10 (Starrelm)
On Nov 4, 1999 at 20:20
I am entertaining offers on my class Golvern Plate Armor from the Sky Ship God Auction.
These armors are: 5x Enchanted, Damage Padded ( believed to be heavy to exceptional), Llightened-Weight:50 lbs. (25 lbs. less than plain plate), and Contains the Heal 1 spell.
I will consider selling this terrific plate armor if the right offer should come my way. Would prefer silvers but will look at combination offers thereof with a nice trade thrown in. Only serious offers will be entertained. Suggested appraisal OB:30M.
Description as follows: "You see Some glistening black golvern plate armor embossed with shimmering veniom in the image of a rampant silver dragon."
Those interested in this exceptional armor should reply to <redacted due to age>
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Category For Sale, Auction or Barter (4)
Topic For sale over 1 million silver (158)
Message "Icespear" the 7x Airship Halberd (5736)
By MASONS (Orbstar)
On Oct 26, 1999 at 19:05
selling trading. MB 12 million. Offers to <redacted due to age>. 7x. real nice halberd. If interested,drop me a line and we can talk.
Lord Orbstar
>look halberd You determine current state of the blue vultite halberd to be at 99.51% integrity. A design of ice-blue flames has been incised along the length of the halberd's staff, while a similar pattern has been worked into both the spear-head and the sharp, curved blade. The word "Icespear" has been incised into the handle at about eye-level to an elf. You also notice a small enchanter's mark.
>tap halberd You rap the butt of an ice blue vultite halberd against the ground, a flicker of cold blue light spiralling up the handle in response.
>wave halberd You slice the blue vultite halberd in a deadly arc, a crackling trail of cold blue light following in its wake.
>raise halberd You raise an ice blue vultite halberd high in the air, cold blue flames flickering along its edge.
> point halb at coy
As you point your halberd towards a coyote, a wave of ice blue ethereal ripples straight towards it. A coyote is buffeted by the ice blue ethereal waves and is knocked to the ground. ... 45 points of damage! The coyote's left arm is shattered beyond recognition by frigid blow. The coyote yelps loudly as she slumps to the ground and licks her wounded front paw. The coyote is stunned!
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Topic For sale over 1 million silver (158)
Message Three unique main gauches (5697)
On Oct 22, 1999 at 21:33
I'm selling three unique main gauches; one is god-auctioned and the other two are from Girvahk's auction of a year or so back.
Main gauches increase DS in the left hand of a two-weapon user and I believe are short-sword based if they don't have their own base. (one-handed edged)
The first is the Voln main gauche, or shining white ora main gauche; it's sanctified, cycles 2x-7x against undead, and has wicked flares which are very similar to the Symbol of Holiness.
When tapped it locates undead and when waved counts undead, with a nice script each time. There's a long show description and bard song as well.
Each of the three gauches weighs two pounds. Please mail all bids/interest/questions to <redacted due to age>
Thanks very much, Essyr Endasche.
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Category For Sale, Auction or Barter (4)
Topic Blunt Weapons (18)
Message God Auctioned Mace (688)
On Oct 19, 1999 at 20:32
Heres the deal I just got an alter on my morning star so Im taking offers on my god auction mace the description is
a smoky mace
its 3x and has age based flares, age based flares do incremental damage as you go up in age. I am level 21 now and it flares for about 60 points of damage my father who is level 52 the thing flares with death crits killing the target instantly looking for good offers on in so escroll me at <redacted due to age> with what you think.
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Category For Sale, Auction or Barter (4)
Topic Armor (13)
Message 2 sets full plate for sale (2927)
On Oct 16, 1999 at 11:34
I have 2 sets of full plate I'd like to sell :
Some dark veil iron battle armor enamelled with a golden phoenix on the breastplate x9 ET , "somewhat crit padded" 79 lbs
A suit of krodera full plate emblazoned with the unholy symbol of Sheru x5 ET and +20 TD 50 lbs.
E-mail or AOL IM me at <redacted due to age> or Gaq on icq with offers of silvers . Would part-ex both for some full plate with higher crit padding.
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Category For Sale, Auction or Barter (4)
Topic For Sale (5)
Message Self chargers, Master quality lute, Switchable Gem Crit Morning Star (6220)
On Oct 12, 1999 at 22:03
I've got a few god auction items that I'd like to trade for other similar quality items. I'm willing to listen to coin offers, but please make them reasonable.
If you have any questions or would like to make an offer, please e-mail me at <redacted due to age>.
a gem encrusted vultite morning star - SHOW: Odd pieces of various gemstones encrust the pommel of the star, with an empty gem setting at the base of the pommel.
This is a 4x morning star. A gem can be placed into the empty gem setting at the base of the pommel. Different gems give the weapon different types of weighting or flares.
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Category For Sale, Auction or Barter (4)
Topic GM Auction Items (38)
Message Voln weapon for sale (1849)
On Sep 23, 1999 at 17:45
Selling a gleaming white ora hammer of Kai for sale. It's a 2-handed polearm that cycles from 3x-7x, emits holy flares and has the ability to locate and count the number of undeads in the area. It also has a nice show description and a nice script when you take it out in front of an undead:
Contrary to what some people have told me, you do not have to be a cleric or a Volner to use this weapon.
I'm looking for around 2.5 - 3 mil for this item. Send bids to <redacted due to age>. If you bid and I receive a higher bid, I will notify you by e-mail. I most likely will not be doing updates on the boards.
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Category For Sale, Auction or Barter (4)
Topic For sale over 1 million silver (158)
Message Kheten for sale once! (5346)
On Sep 23, 1999 at 13:50
A gleaming white ora kheten This item was made by Voln himself, it is a greataxe that is sanctified in the hands of a cleric. However, it cycles from 4x to 9x on undead when used by a cleric, once it goes to 9x you can hunt alive things and it will stay at 9x (or whatever enchant it was last cycled to.) It also has holy flares against undead and i have seen up to 70 damage. But thats not all, hehe. It locates undead nearest to you, and also counts total undead beings in an area. These abilities can be used by anyone and there are unlimited uses on it. When you count the undead in an area it takes about 2 minutes before you can count them again. There is a slight difference in the show description when you look at it compared to showing it to someone else. When looked at:
Hehe, as you see, its loaded with goodies. Good for any adventurer who hunts undead. CB is 5 million silvahs to Wollyon, Once! Shall go once twice sold!
Mezi Longthorned <redacted due to age>
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Category For Sale, Auction or Barter (4)
Topic GM Auction Items (38)
Message Gleaming White Ora Kheten (1764)
On Aug 9, 1999 at 11:32
I will be putting the following weapon up for auction
Gleaming White Ora Kheten It is one of them voln weapons (im not going to post what all these fine weapons do, if you need to know then send me mail asking)
The Kheten is a two handed axe and the enchants on this cycle through 4x-9x (not the 2x-7x kind)
Current Bid is 3.8 mil to Borismere
I havent decided when ill end this but most likely it wont be long since i cant stand doing these things for long.
Lord Khilast
(Email to <redacted due to age> or the BUSH)
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Category For Sale, Auction or Barter (4)
Topic GM Auction Items (38)
Message gem encrusted vultite morning star (1651)
On Jul 6, 1999 at 19:28
Got a very nice god auctioned item for sale, looking mostly for trades heavily padded full leathers, or other god auction items. Coin bids at least a min of 9 million. Send all offers and bids to <redacted due to age>
This is the empty pommel weapons that you can swap gems in and out and get a different type of crit as well as blessed. It weighs 8 lbs and is 4x
gem encrusted vultite morning star when looked at: Odd pieces of various gemstones encrust the pommel of the star, with an empty gem setting at the base of the pommel.
You press a medium black pearl into the pommel of the star. As you do so the gem glows brightly then returns to normal.
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Category For Sale, Auction or Barter (4)
Topic For sale over 1 million silver (158)
Message 5x Masterfully weighted rapier and Auction OHB (4200)
By MASONS (Orbstar)
On Jun 21, 1999 at 03:01
Selling or (preferably) trading :
I am ALSO selling a nice OHB: a blue brindled silver vultite mace.
4x mace flares with the Ranger Spell SOUNDS causing a -20 DS to critter. this flares with a shower of blue sparks distracting the creature and was sold at the Great Auction. 3.5 million MB or trades as above. ah..uses no mana or charges.
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Category For Sale, Auction or Barter (4)
Topic Blunt Weapons (18)
Message nice god auction cudgel (578)
On Jun 20, 1999 at 23:52
I have for sale a god auction cudgel..it is:
a tooth-studded oaken cudgel
with the following show description:
Assorted teeth stick out from this implement of bashing...and some of them look as if they've been forcibly implanted while they were still in someone or something's mouth. Bits of tooth, splinters of wood, and spatters of dried blood all over the club's surface make this weapon nothing less than clearly and optimally functional. You also notice a small enchanter's mark.
I have no use for this weapon now and would like to sell it..it is 2x enchanted and assesses as heavily crit weighted...offers of 1.5mil and up please...send all offers to <redacted due to age>...thanks much
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Category For Sale, Auction or Barter (4)
Topic Two Handers (19)
Message Razern Bisacuta for sale (866)
On Jun 1, 1999 at 20:34
I'm selling an ironwood hafted razern bisacuta..it is 2x enchanted, assesses at exceptionally crit weighted, and is military fork based, yes its 2HE for those with questions...hits great against heavy armors...looking for 750k on it simply because tis quite rare as far as I know and I like the thing becuase its unusual...
send all offers to <redacted due to age> thanks
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Category For Sale, Auction or Barter (4)
Topic GM Auction Items (38)
Message God auction hammer (1567)
On May 20, 1999 at 20:54
a silvery-blue vultite war hammer, its 4x and from the god auction with the special ability to be charged up and cast a mass call lighting effect.
When Loresung to it gives this message: The hammer will call lightning bolts from the sky. The intensity and range of the bolts are dependant upon its power, which it derives from creatures that it kills and the wielder's own mana stores.
When you rub it: You breathe upon the reflective surface of the vultite war hammer and polish it to a gleaming shine.
When you kill something: You swing a silvery-blue vultite war hammer at a greater spider! AS: +124 vs DS: -10 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +6 = +165 ... and hit for 47 points of damage! Right leg mangled horribly. The greater spider's body jerks one last time and dies.
As the vultite war hammer deals the killing blow, a blue spark leaps from the spider to the hammer. A light blue aura surrounds the hammer momentarily, then fades into it.
When its charged you get the message: As the vultite war hammer deals the killing blow, a blue spark leaps from the troglodyte to the hammer. A light blue aura surrounds the hammer momentarily, then fades into it.
The hammer begins to crackle and hum with pent-up energy.
When looked at while charged: The vultite war hammer is made of a single piece of silvery-blue metal, with a spongey, leather-wrapped haft. An elaborate arabesque pattern is etched upon the hammer, running from end to end--a pattern not quite random but not quite orderly.
A glimmer of blue light traces the pattern in a lightning-quick flash.
When you raise it while its charged: You thrust the vultite war hammer into the air. Instantly, the room darkens and glowing veins of blue electricity begin to dance upon the hammer's shiny, engraved surfaces. You hear a loud thunder clap and lightning bolts shower from the sky!
A grey orc is struck by a lightning bolt! ... 15 points of damage! Hard jolt knocks the grey orc back on its heels.
The smell of ozone pervades the area and blurry purple and green after-images of the bolts float before your eyes.
The damage and critting power seems to be dependent on the age of the critters you killed with it, mana available of the user and the age difference of the people. When charged with 20-30 year critters the damage averaged about 25 and critted much more.
Looking for trades of other Auction items and nice blunt weapons, will take coin offers, but mostly looking for a trade. Send bids and offers to <redacted due to age>
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Category For Sale, Auction or Barter (4)
Topic Weapons (14)
Message massive granite warmace (2026)
On May 4, 1999 at 04:28
Selling - massive granite warmace
The head of the warmace is made of an unusually hard piece of granite, drilled through for the strong oak shaft that serves as the haft. The grip is wrapped in thick leather, and thonged at the end. An iron band secures the head in place. You also notice a small enchanter's mark.
was auctioned by Girvahk in solhaven-
Girvahk says, "The warmace is enchanted sorta like imflass, but it ain't light. It causes fierce wounds."
Girvahk says, "You won't find many heavier weighted onehanders, and I never seen a crusher weighted like dis."
Taking coin offers or maybe trades (don't like to do bids so offer high..first offer i like gets it.)
send email or im to <redacted due to age>
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Category For Sale, Auction or Barter (4)
Topic Trade and Barter (7)
Message God Auction Armor (275)
On Apr 27, 1999 at 15:19
I'm thinking about trading my god auction full plate...
Glistening black golvern plate armor embossed with shimmering veniom in the image of a rampant silver dragon
6x, heavily (10 points) damage padded, lightened to 50 lbs. Casts 801 (+10 HP) when rubbed, using your own mana. So, you can rub as much as you want. Made of Glovern, so it should hold up well if breakage comes back.
Serious offers only, please.
Email - <redacted due to age>
Re: ISO: random items
08/19/2015 02:55 PM CDT
I always wanted a gem OHB or the chaos hammer could you imagine that with a ethereal string on it?
I still have a few god auction items in my possession,
the glove short bow in plat,
the Eonak symbol in prime that actually conjures up the visage of eonak for all to see. Im pretty sure it gives an amazing bonus to forging because im so good at it...
a golvern morningstar that was +42 and permablessed which is now +46 not sure how that worked out and has holy water flairs and anfelt scripts along with the best weapon alter ever.
one of the two portable shrines that has since been copy pasted and released several times over.
I think somewhere in one of my lockers is the dwarven race weapon a greataxe which has weighting and is higher enchant in dwarven hands. I owned the longsword which was the human one as well I remember Cemb ending up with that.
OH I almost forgot also a deep brown cloak streaked with pale gold lines.... from the first Big GOD auction with the token lots I think it had an event ticket price on it... that was was a gem of a find everyone walked away with fancy gear and I got that... holds less than a hundred pounds weights a ton and doesn't close. I reported about eight or nine times swearing that it was not working as intended but apparently it was intended to make a sucker out of someone so it was doing exactly what it was created for. I still own it because I cling to the hope that one day its going to sprout wings and turn into a dragon or a horse is going to come galloping out of it. If anyone wants to throw millions of silvers my way I may part with it.
All those items were pretty awesome. Well not counting the cloak. I'm exciting to see what might come out next year.
I still have a few god auction items in my possession,
the glove short bow in plat,
the Eonak symbol in prime that actually conjures up the visage of eonak for all to see. Im pretty sure it gives an amazing bonus to forging because im so good at it...
a golvern morningstar that was +42 and permablessed which is now +46 not sure how that worked out and has holy water flairs and anfelt scripts along with the best weapon alter ever.
one of the two portable shrines that has since been copy pasted and released several times over.
I think somewhere in one of my lockers is the dwarven race weapon a greataxe which has weighting and is higher enchant in dwarven hands. I owned the longsword which was the human one as well I remember Cemb ending up with that.
OH I almost forgot also a deep brown cloak streaked with pale gold lines.... from the first Big GOD auction with the token lots I think it had an event ticket price on it... that was was a gem of a find everyone walked away with fancy gear and I got that... holds less than a hundred pounds weights a ton and doesn't close. I reported about eight or nine times swearing that it was not working as intended but apparently it was intended to make a sucker out of someone so it was doing exactly what it was created for. I still own it because I cling to the hope that one day its going to sprout wings and turn into a dragon or a horse is going to come galloping out of it. If anyone wants to throw millions of silvers my way I may part with it.
All those items were pretty awesome. Well not counting the cloak. I'm exciting to see what might come out next year.
Re: ISO: random items
08/19/2015 03:02 PM CDT
"the first Big GOD auction with the token lots" -- Frorin
That was actually the second one.
The first one after we moved to the web was coin-only, same as usual, and a LOT of people go left behind.
Two years later, the run was "one set of silver tents, one set of token tents."
Interestingly, both of my item wins that year were in the money tents, because no-one used Pole Arms. (I think I got one for 20k, and another for 40k.)
EVERYONE bid EVERY TIME in the token tents, whether they could use it or not, because, you know... what was the risk? If they lose their token, hell, they just won an item!
(And that, of course, is the problem that I have with token auctions.)
(I suppose I wouldn't mind it so much, if they had a cooldown. Bid on THIS item... sit and watch for <5 minutes?> or whatever.)
That was actually the second one.
The first one after we moved to the web was coin-only, same as usual, and a LOT of people go left behind.
Two years later, the run was "one set of silver tents, one set of token tents."
Interestingly, both of my item wins that year were in the money tents, because no-one used Pole Arms. (I think I got one for 20k, and another for 40k.)
EVERYONE bid EVERY TIME in the token tents, whether they could use it or not, because, you know... what was the risk? If they lose their token, hell, they just won an item!
(And that, of course, is the problem that I have with token auctions.)
(I suppose I wouldn't mind it so much, if they had a cooldown. Bid on THIS item... sit and watch for <5 minutes?> or whatever.)
Re: ISO: random items
08/19/2015 03:15 PM CDT
<I always wanted a gem OHB or the chaos hammer could you imagine that with a ethereal string on it?>
You can't string a scripted weapon.
Nice list overall. Funny to read ancient posts, pricing, items.
You can't string a scripted weapon.
Nice list overall. Funny to read ancient posts, pricing, items.
Re: ISO: random items
08/19/2015 03:27 PM CDT
>>Selling a translucent vultite alloy quarterstaff, you know the one.
I have one of these and also one of lower enchants. I would have to locker search to get the material.
Re: ISO: random items
08/19/2015 06:35 PM CDT
I am the owner of the cycling voln Hammer-of-kai. I actually own two of them and two jeddart-axes, if I can ever find where I stuck them.
AIM: GS4Menos
>Like men we'll face the murderous, cowardly pack,
>Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back!
AIM: GS4Menos
>Like men we'll face the murderous, cowardly pack,
>Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back!
Re: ISO: random items
08/20/2015 08:14 AM CDT
I got a similar cruddy cloak at the pavilion auction. Spent close to a million silver on a cloak that didn't close and had a long description. No other abilities.
During that token auction, my in game wife won that golvern twin flail which I sold for her a week or two later.
During that token auction, my in game wife won that golvern twin flail which I sold for her a week or two later.
Re: ISO: random items
08/23/2015 12:37 AM CDT
jeebus, they just don't make them like that anymore. I am drooling over that urnon trident. Is that still around?
Re: ISO: random items
08/25/2015 08:44 AM CDT
There were very few responses to my, "Are they still around/who's got 'em?" inquiry; none at all came in private email.
Assume the answer is "No" in all cases. :(
Assume the answer is "No" in all cases. :(
Re: ISO: random items
08/25/2015 09:03 AM CDT
>>(a.k.a. "Whatever happened to...")
Ran across an old file--looks like I saved it in June of 2007--with a bunch of different posts about items in which I had an interest.
How many of them do people know of that are still lurking around?
And if they are still here, who has 'em?
>>Selling a translucent vultite alloy quarterstaff, you know the one.
>> I have one of these and also one of lower enchants. I would have to locker search to get the material.
>>Assume the answer is "No" in all cases. :(
We all know what assuming does.
Re: ISO: random items
08/25/2015 09:20 AM CDT
I said, 'very few' responses.
The quarterstaff happened to be one.
Having a default case to fall back on is quite handy.
The quarterstaff happened to be one.
Having a default case to fall back on is quite handy.