New Hunting Grounds: The Elemental Confluence! 03/28/2015 02:00 PM CDT
A new set of hunting areas have been released: the Elemental Confluence!

This set of level 95 hunting grounds is populated with elementals of various types and combinations. Portions of the Confluence are accessible through numerous elemental instabilities created by the collision of Elanthia and the demiplane. Each of these protrusions toward Elanthia is seperately accessible from each major town and are considered a separate (local) hunting ground.

In order to pass from Elanthia and into this demiplane, one must trap elemental souls and then use them to draw oneself through an elemental instability. The soulstones provided by Alusius are used to perform this function (simply wear them and kill elementals in order to automatically trap their souls). To enter, simply push a soulstone with enough soul power (10 powerful elemental souls, or a greater number of lesser ones) into an elemental instability. If you are of sufficient power (minimum level 80), you will be transported to the Confluence.

Each point of elemental instability is keyed to a particular elemental attunement and flows randomly through the local area. Elementally ATTUNEd folk (of any profession) are able to sense the presence and location of nearby points of elemental instability with the ATTUNE SENSE command. Being ATTUNEd also provides a degree of protection from various environmental elemental Confluence hazards.

I'd like to thank GMs Kenstrom, Liia, Vanah, Keios, Auchand, Retser, Galene, Estild, Finros, Lydil, Qortaz, and any others whom I may be forgetting for their help on this project!


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