I would like to host a gathering of Tehir. It would have to be a Friday or Saturday evening, and not terribly late, say 9-ish eastern. I have a number of questions:
1. First off, is there any interest?
2. If we do this, would you prefer an IC, or OOC format?
3. Do you want this to be a meet and greet, or meet and greet, then a discussion of the Tehir?
4. If it is to be a discussion, what topics would you like to see brought up?
5. I was considering using the caravansary area just south of Wehnimers Landing as the location, if we go IC. Yes? No? And if no, then where do you think would be a better spot?
6. Put anything else here you'd like to bring up…
General Radeek Andoran
Drakes Vanguard
Defender of Wehnimer's Landing
Black Raider of the Mir'Sheq
Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato
Re: An invitation to those Tehir that are left
06/15/2017 02:51 PM CDT
I would like to host a gathering of Tehir. It would have to be a Friday or Saturday evening, and not terribly late, say 9-ish eastern. I have a number of questions:
1. First off, is there any interest? you have my attention
2. If we do this, would you prefer an IC, or OOC format? IC
3. Do you want this to be a meet and greet, or meet and greet, then a discussion of the Tehir? I am open to either
4. If it is to be a discussion, what topics would you like to see brought up? Rodnay's status and the other Tehir involved in the current landing storyline
5. I was considering using the caravansary area just south of Wehnimers Landing as the location, if we go IC. Yes? No? And if no, then where do you think would be a better spot caravansary is fine.
1. First off, is there any interest? you have my attention
2. If we do this, would you prefer an IC, or OOC format? IC
3. Do you want this to be a meet and greet, or meet and greet, then a discussion of the Tehir? I am open to either
4. If it is to be a discussion, what topics would you like to see brought up? Rodnay's status and the other Tehir involved in the current landing storyline
5. I was considering using the caravansary area just south of Wehnimers Landing as the location, if we go IC. Yes? No? And if no, then where do you think would be a better spot caravansary is fine.
Re: An invitation to those Tehir that are left
06/20/2017 10:22 AM CDT
Interested in the Tehir? Thinking about creating one? Or maybe you have some questions about who and what they are (no, we are not animals).
Since the Waylayer of Wehnimers, our wonderful GM Kenstrom, is taking a little bit of time off (well deserved, I should add) I'd like to host a gathering of Tehir this Friday night, 23 June, at 9pm eastern. We'll meet at the Hearthstone steps at about 8:45 and proceed from there to the Wehnimers Carvansary.
I have no real agenda with this, I thought that for the first event we'd get together, have a little meet and greet, and see where it takes us. If it's well-received we can work on some sort of plan for future events and perhaps delve more deeply into the Tehir. And no, you don't have to be Tehir to attend.
General Radeek Andoran
Drakes Vanguard
Defender of Wehnimer's Landing
Black Raider of the Mir'Sheq
Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato
Since the Waylayer of Wehnimers, our wonderful GM Kenstrom, is taking a little bit of time off (well deserved, I should add) I'd like to host a gathering of Tehir this Friday night, 23 June, at 9pm eastern. We'll meet at the Hearthstone steps at about 8:45 and proceed from there to the Wehnimers Carvansary.
I have no real agenda with this, I thought that for the first event we'd get together, have a little meet and greet, and see where it takes us. If it's well-received we can work on some sort of plan for future events and perhaps delve more deeply into the Tehir. And no, you don't have to be Tehir to attend.
General Radeek Andoran
Drakes Vanguard
Defender of Wehnimer's Landing
Black Raider of the Mir'Sheq
Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato
Re: An invitation to those Tehir that are left
07/04/2017 07:58 AM CDT
Shoot. I missed this as I wasn't watching the folder. I definitely would have been there with my Tehir. How did the meeting go?
Re: An invitation to those Tehir that are left
07/04/2017 06:11 PM CDT
It didn't go; nobody showed up (which actually wasn't a terrible thing, I was exhausted). I'd like to do one when there is more interest though. Maybe I should post elsewhere since this doesn't seem to be a very active folder.
General Radeek Andoran
Drakes Vanguard
Defender of Wehnimer's Landing
Black Raider of the Mir'Sheq
Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato
General Radeek Andoran
Drakes Vanguard
Defender of Wehnimer's Landing
Black Raider of the Mir'Sheq
Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato
Re: An invitation to those Tehir that are left
07/04/2017 07:58 PM CDT
Post in ALL the places!
Newsby picked it up and ran it for a good 5 days in the news for you.
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Newsby picked it up and ran it for a good 5 days in the news for you.
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Re: An invitation to those Tehir that are left
07/05/2017 06:51 PM CDT
I will, but it's going to be at least 2 weeks. I'll draw an off-weekend and have some time then
General Radeek Andoran
Drakes Vanguard
Defender of Wehnimer's Landing
Black Raider of the Mir'Sheq
Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato
General Radeek Andoran
Drakes Vanguard
Defender of Wehnimer's Landing
Black Raider of the Mir'Sheq
Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato