Fixes to Sand Scrying Pouches, Aldoran Stone Pouches 06/17/2012 04:40 AM CDT
Hey, folks,

I've recently rolled in some fixes to some Human-related scripts. The following have been updated:

Aldoran Stone Pouches - These pouches contain fortunetelling stones and were first sold at Ebon Gate 2007

- Fixed a bug wherein OPEN was giving standard open messaging after custom scripted messages
- Fixed a bug wherein CLOSE was giving standard close messaging after custom scripted messages
- Repaired an issue where the item could be TAPped and appear as yours even if it was not in your inventory
- Correctly set up messaging in OPEN/CLOSE to indicate the item being in your possession
- Minor typo fixes

Sand Scrying Pouches - These pouches contain sand that allows for sand scrying

- Added "bag" as an acceptable noun for alteration
- Script now correctly allows PROD as an option for messaging
- Fixed an issue wherein items were not correctly trapping PUSH/PROD
- Minor typo fixes


It's funnier in Enochian.