The contest results are in!
Due to some rankings having a greater number than prizes allotted, I increased the winners in Prime and Platinum!
Winners, we'll touch base likely after HSN!
~Wyrom, APM
>>They call him Wyrom, not afraid to get dirty; work all day, in game by 5:30; loresongs eloquent, item embellishment, double speed development... ~Silvean
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/02/2015 06:29 AM CDT
I just want to say congratulations to Berbels. Every interaction Issalya has with you leaves me laughing or shaking my head, and often both at the same time. Keep on with your awesome self. :D
Sauli exclaims, "Puppies make Sadan look like a fru fru pink pony farting rainbows!"
Sauli exclaims, "Puppies make Sadan look like a fru fru pink pony farting rainbows!"
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/02/2015 12:12 PM CDT
well, i have to say it wasn't like i wasn't trying. :P
considering the first 10 or so years i played, i got a grand total of one. :P
way to go everyone.
considering the first 10 or so years i played, i got a grand total of one. :P
way to go everyone.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/02/2015 12:54 PM CDT
Happy to be on the list. Congrats!
Chad, player of a few
Chad, player of a few
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/02/2015 01:36 PM CDT
Congrats to the winners!
I had a question about the tallies, were only the long duration xp modifying rpas counted? cause I got thrilled to be an adventure message after several interactions with jarshan in and around icemule, as well as with estilista in cysaegir, but none of those seem to be included. Just curious really, and feeling slightly embarrassed by only getting 1 counted the whole month ;o
I had a question about the tallies, were only the long duration xp modifying rpas counted? cause I got thrilled to be an adventure message after several interactions with jarshan in and around icemule, as well as with estilista in cysaegir, but none of those seem to be included. Just curious really, and feeling slightly embarrassed by only getting 1 counted the whole month ;o
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/02/2015 02:46 PM CDT
Only the modifiers were included.
~Wyrom, APM
>>They call him Wyrom, not afraid to get dirty; work all day, in game by 5:30; loresongs eloquent, item embellishment, double speed development... ~Silvean
~Wyrom, APM
>>They call him Wyrom, not afraid to get dirty; work all day, in game by 5:30; loresongs eloquent, item embellishment, double speed development... ~Silvean
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/02/2015 03:42 PM CDT
Congratulations! Glad to be a part of it.
Whether I get one or a dozen RPAs, I always love to see that message. A collective thank you goes out to the GMs who give them; I may not mention it at the time (that would be OOC), but it's wonderful to get them.
Whether I get one or a dozen RPAs, I always love to see that message. A collective thank you goes out to the GMs who give them; I may not mention it at the time (that would be OOC), but it's wonderful to get them.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/02/2015 07:02 PM CDT
Congratulations to all the winners! Even though we prompted a lot of it with the contest and rewards, it's always good to see people going out of their way to interact with each other!
GameMaster Estild
GameMaster Estild
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/05/2015 12:31 AM CDT
I appreciate the idea of this contest, though if you run something like this again, I might prefer it without the competitive aspect. It could be just, "Hey, we're paying extra attention to opportunities to give out RPAs this month."
RPAs really can't ever be _fair_in the sense that any good roleplaying action would have as good a chance to result in an RPA as another. People will roleplay in different times and different rooms that may or may not be watched by a GM, and each one will have somewhat different standards. Encouraging people to compete seems to imply there's a level playing field, when that really can't be the case.
But either way, I won't get my knickers in too bad of a twist.
RPAs really can't ever be _fair_in the sense that any good roleplaying action would have as good a chance to result in an RPA as another. People will roleplay in different times and different rooms that may or may not be watched by a GM, and each one will have somewhat different standards. Encouraging people to compete seems to imply there's a level playing field, when that really can't be the case.
But either way, I won't get my knickers in too bad of a twist.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/05/2015 12:51 AM CDT
Thinking about it more, I guess I would have appreciated it if I got a GALD or something out of it, and there's probably not much sense in having a problem with that. Still does strike me as strange, though.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/05/2015 01:45 AM CDT
It could be just, "Hey, we're paying extra attention to opportunities to give out RPAs this month.">>
That is the way I took it. I really got out into populated areas and was rarely disappointed instead of maybe sitting saturated at a table. I met a lot of new people and I enjoyed myself a lot. It took extra effort, but that spirit was how I operated for sure.
That is the way I took it. I really got out into populated areas and was rarely disappointed instead of maybe sitting saturated at a table. I met a lot of new people and I enjoyed myself a lot. It took extra effort, but that spirit was how I operated for sure.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/05/2015 04:15 AM CDT
Are some of these town Guru's completely asleep at the wheel? I'm seeing a huge hole in this list.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/05/2015 02:11 PM CDT
I agree, Goat. Not only is there the factor of being in the right place at the right time, but there's also a large variation in GM discretion with regard to which type of RPAs may be awarded. I was disappointed to learn that, although I got many RPAs this past month not a single one of them was an experience multiplier and therefore I didn't even make the list! That's fine. I didn't expect to win this competition. There are far better roleplayers on the list than myself and I spent the last week glued to the arena anyway! But it does bother me a bit that I can get 5 or 6 RPAs in a month that amount to nothing when there's a competition going on to encourage roleplaying. Were my efforts not up to snuff, even though they were recognized? Or perhaps the GM who happened to notice me wasn't authorized to grant RPAs past a certain level? I have no way of knowing, but it had the effect of encouraging me to ignore roleplaying month.
That doesn't mean I stopped roleplaying. It just made the whole event seem irrelevant to me, when I'm certain that wasn't the intent!
That doesn't mean I stopped roleplaying. It just made the whole event seem irrelevant to me, when I'm certain that wasn't the intent!
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/06/2015 04:32 AM CDT
At least there was some acknowledgment of your efforts Tav. There was at least 5-6 of us Rp'ing our little hearts out in the Rest and not even a single RPA, even after nominating folks. I'm making the assumption Kayse's RPA was from Bardfest. It's not the RPA's, it's the "Is there anybody out there?" factor.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/06/2015 11:24 AM CDT
Perhaps a bit unrelated - One of the times I was watching random people in Mist Harbor for RP, I found a couple people shopping. They were commenting on how the trading skill didn't have much effect on their prices in most shops. It was because of that that the Mist Harbor shops now ALL accept the trading skill and at higher levels than before!
So while they didn't get an RPA, they still initiated change and didn't even know it! You never know what will happen!!
~Just Jainna
So while they didn't get an RPA, they still initiated change and didn't even know it! You never know what will happen!!
~Just Jainna
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/06/2015 12:46 PM CDT
Is that why the price of faewood lmbs came down 1000 silvers?
Thanks RPers!
Chad, player of a few
Thanks RPers!
Chad, player of a few
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/14/2015 06:42 PM CDT
I noticed last week that I'm getting better prices on Mist Harbor than I am in other towns where the character has a racial+citizenship bonus. I haven't done extensive testing, but for a dwarven citizen of Teras with zero trading, I get better prices selling skins and the pawn on MH than Teras, as well as buying some items at the alchemist.
For the opposite end, a human citizen of Solhaven with 2x trading also gets better prices purchasing on Mist Harbor than in Solhaven.
I like getting reasonable prices on Mist Harbor, and if I had a dark elf character, I'd appreciate not getting penalized in EN, but I don't think the prices should be better than race+citizenship bonus of other cities.
A log from buying some enchanting potions earlier today:
>order 7
You ask about the price of a rohnuru potion.
Putting on your best poker face, you begin haggling with Darbo about an appropriate price. He must play poker, too, for at the end of your bargaining it's hard to tell whether he likes the settled price of 3496 silvers.
Darbo says, "Since you're a citizen of this town, I'll drop the price to 3146."
You may order a QUANTITY of this item, ORDER something else, or BUY this item.
You feel at full magical power again.
>order 9
You ask about the price of a dirtokh potion.
Putting on your best poker face, you begin haggling with Darbo about an appropriate price. He must play poker, too, for at the end of your bargaining it's hard to tell whether he likes the settled price of 9990 silvers.
Darbo says, "Since you're a citizen of this town, I'll drop the price to 8991."
You may order a QUANTITY of this item, ORDER something else, or BUY this item.
Mist Harbor
Using all your charm and wit, you enter into an enjoyable give-and-take with Dhaika. You have the sense that you took more than you gave by the time you reach a price of 2958 silvers.
You may order a QUANTITY of this item, ORDER something else, or BUY this item.
* Conjure just gave up the ghost!
>order 29
You ask about the price of a dirtokh potion.
You lean across the counter in a friendly way, engaging Dhaika in an earnest chat about his prices. She feigns exasperation at your persistence, but it is not long before she agrees to a price of 8453 silvers.
You may order a QUANTITY of this item, ORDER something else, or BUY this item.
Morden, player of.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/14/2015 07:31 PM CDT
Not to detract from your overall point but if I recall correctly, the number of enchanting potion pours varies from town to town so you may not be comparing apples to apples (you may be, but may want to confirm that).
-- Robert
"All wizards are beginners; some of us have just been beginning longer!"
-- Robert
"All wizards are beginners; some of us have just been beginning longer!"
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/14/2015 08:22 PM CDT
Every place I've ever bought one--including merchants at events--they have contained exactly four (4) pours unless the merchant explicitly made certain to bring/provide AND LABEL their wares as holding more.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/14/2015 08:44 PM CDT
Hmmm... pretty sure at least one town I have purchased them in had 5? I'll have to try and remember which town that was now.
-- Robert
"All wizards are beginners; some of us have just been beginning longer!"
-- Robert
"All wizards are beginners; some of us have just been beginning longer!"
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/15/2015 12:19 AM CDT
I did not know that (regarding different pours in a potion); I can recheck with some other items.
I first noticed it with the crystalline chalk for sorcerer 740; I was surprised to get a better price in Mist Harbor than Solhaven (human + citizen). Those are always single use, but it is another alchemy purchase.
Some of it could be a different base price, I suppose, but... was off on my dwarf citizen of Teras; basic selling of pelts and pawn items was slightly better on Mist harbor.
Morden, player of.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/15/2015 04:47 AM CDT
I definitely noticed MH pays better. Vaalor Elf in Ta'Vaalor doesn't get as good of a deal as in Mist Harbor.
It's great for my Faendryl characters though.
It's great for my Faendryl characters though.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
08/16/2015 08:57 AM CDT
Even with modest trading skill I'm seeing this too. Its not better just compared to towns where you are hated, non-citizen in Mist Harbor is often better than towns where you are a citizen of a favored race.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
09/03/2015 01:36 PM CDT
We got an email. Assist then it gets escalated to GMs available to complete your prize.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
09/03/2015 05:09 PM CDT
Hrmm. I'm Plat side, haven't received anything. I'll have to check with the others.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
09/03/2015 06:35 PM CDT
Also Plat side, also have not received an email. :(
Sauli exclaims, "Puppies make Sadan look like a fru fru pink pony farting rainbows!"
Sauli exclaims, "Puppies make Sadan look like a fru fru pink pony farting rainbows!"
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
09/03/2015 06:51 PM CDT
Prime side... and I don't see an e-mail either. I checked my spam folders and everything?
... so what did the email say exactly?
Raelee and her Strings
>Speaking to Zyllah, Alyias says, "See? Raelee knows all."
... so what did the email say exactly?
Raelee and her Strings
>Speaking to Zyllah, Alyias says, "See? Raelee knows all."
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
09/03/2015 08:09 PM CDT
No email here, either, and I'm in Prime.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
09/04/2015 02:06 PM CDT
Hmm, someone got an email? I'll have to see what that's about. I won't get getting to this until after HSN.
~Wyrom, APM
>>They call him Wyrom, not afraid to get dirty; work all day, in game by 5:30; loresongs eloquent, item embellishment, double speed development... ~Silvean
~Wyrom, APM
>>They call him Wyrom, not afraid to get dirty; work all day, in game by 5:30; loresongs eloquent, item embellishment, double speed development... ~Silvean
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
09/05/2015 12:26 AM CDT
Might not have been an email. It was a wiki post with the winners mentioned for sure. Ill double check when im home otherwise
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
09/05/2015 02:20 AM CDT
He emailed our addresses with specifics off this wiki entry.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
09/05/2015 02:49 AM CDT
That is a different contest.
Think you mean this one:
Think you mean this one:
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
09/05/2015 02:58 AM CDT
Oh...I see where I maybe confused people. I answered to the RPA contest with the starter guide winner info.
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
09/06/2015 08:26 AM CDT
Yah, these are two different contests. I bugged people via email concerning the Beginner Guide wiki contests.
GM Scribes
GM Scribes
Re: HSN: RPA Contest - Results
09/06/2015 04:23 PM CDT
No email here either, but I believe Wyrom said he'll be getting to that after HSN is wrapped up!
-- Wheels & Skulls Department
"Bring me your suffering. The rattle roar of broken bones. Bring me the riot in your heart... Angry, wild, and raw. I am not afraid of the dark." -- mia hollow
[ ]
-- Wheels & Skulls Department
"Bring me your suffering. The rattle roar of broken bones. Bring me the riot in your heart... Angry, wild, and raw. I am not afraid of the dark." -- mia hollow
[ ]