Homes 08/14/2012 09:07 AM CDT

I know this has been suggested repeatedly, but I just am curious about the possibility of having a locker access point from one's home. I love having a home. But currently, I rarely visit it, except to make occasional forays into the furniture/decoration shops - only to find that everything is more than I want to spend at this time. Especially when I really do not spend much time in the home.

As such, I was trying to think of ways to make a home more useful. Mainly this is because I just don't have much to do there and decorating it is pretty expensive unless you are at a much higher level than I.

I figured a locker access would be the easiest thing to do. Of course, I would love to be able to place chests/wardrobes/desks in my home that would store things when I left. Would also lovet to have options to vary the exterior of the house - ie. a variety of color options,trim (let greater variety come into the exterior)

Perhaps even have buying a house within a town's "city limits" (ie. the surrounding neighborhood) would count toward citizenship? (Could implement taxes, other benefits, even mini-events that occasionally occur<like a NPC visitor that comes by to ask for donations - heh> etc.)

I understand that these thoughts may be entirely unfeasible due to space requirements or coding requirements, etc.

Just trying to throw some thoughts out there...

Re: Homes 08/14/2012 07:07 PM CDT

A lot of people have been asking for chests and such in homes. I still hope that they'll end up doing it. It would be very useful.