Hi folks,
So I've returned for about a month as a F2p player. I am enjoying it, but I am only playing part-time when I need a little fun. Which is fine, works out great.
I'm a lvl 6 warrior. I admit to being a bit overwhelmed with the changes in the game still. Also a bit disappointed at how few players are in the game. Whenimer used to be loaded with players when I played. It seems a bit of a ghost town now.
Anyway, I am past my 30 days. I skewed my stats for hunting based on the cheatyface article. (https://gswiki.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Cheatyface_30_days). I'm fine with how it's working out.
I tried to do some of the bounties, it ended up being a real pain. Either I could not skin the creatures I was given, could not find the gems (I spent TWO weeks trying to find a certain gem before just giving up) or some other problem, and the rewards seem so low. Maybe I am doing it wrong.
So right now I am stuck solo fighting burrow orcs, and not getting much in return. I would love to get a magical Claidh, but prices on stuff like that is insane. I have like 20k in silver, which is nothing.
I'm not sure what else I could be doing to make things move a little faster, or have more fun. Is it too soon to join a society? Am I missing anything obvious?
Re: What to do next...
01/04/2016 02:46 PM CST
Bad news on at least one society: they want skins (and other stuff) for you to gain steps in it. :(
(On the other hand, if you do join that one, there's a definite payoff in your hunting abilities. Like [a total of] +35 each AS/DS, and stoppage of all your bleeding.)
I cannot speak to the bounties, having sworn off doing anything in that Guild, but from what I've read other folks saying the best thing to do is to buy up storage jars and start lockering ALL of your gems months before you ever do anything in the Guild. That way, when the time comes for you to cough up what they're looking for, there's a least a chance that you've got it in stock, as it were.
(Also, you may find that the Guild payoff is worth more to you than selling the actual gems would net you in silver, whereas you can use the Bounty Points that you receive for a variety of things.)
(On the other hand, if you do join that one, there's a definite payoff in your hunting abilities. Like [a total of] +35 each AS/DS, and stoppage of all your bleeding.)
I cannot speak to the bounties, having sworn off doing anything in that Guild, but from what I've read other folks saying the best thing to do is to buy up storage jars and start lockering ALL of your gems months before you ever do anything in the Guild. That way, when the time comes for you to cough up what they're looking for, there's a least a chance that you've got it in stock, as it were.
(Also, you may find that the Guild payoff is worth more to you than selling the actual gems would net you in silver, whereas you can use the Bounty Points that you receive for a variety of things.)
Re: What to do next...
01/04/2016 02:58 PM CST
>I tried to do some of the bounties, it ended up being a real pain. Either I could not skin the creatures I was given, could not find the gems (I spent TWO weeks trying to find a certain gem before just giving up) or some other problem, and the rewards seem so low. Maybe I am doing it wrong.
>So right now I am stuck solo fighting burrow orcs, and not getting much in return. I would love to get a magical Claidh, but prices on stuff like that is insane. I have like 20k in silver, which is nothing.
>I'm not sure what else I could be doing to make things move a little faster, or have more fun. Is it too soon to join a society? Am I missing anything obvious?
You're going to find yourself severely limited when it comes to doing bounties on an F2P character. Here is the link to the F2P page on the wiki that describes all F2P restrictions, including the fact that you're limited to gaining the first rank in any society:
Using a claid would do very little for you, as F2P does not get the benefit of any weighting higher than somewhat without a pass.
If you're looking to progress faster, you can purchase access to Gift of Lumnis
Re: What to do next...
01/04/2016 03:12 PM CST
>but from what I've read other folks saying the best thing to do is to buy up storage jars and start lockering ALL of your gems months before you ever do anything in the Guild
umm, that's advice for alchemy, a profession guild skill. The Adventurer's Guild is not a profession guild. While it is handy to squirrel away gems, it is by no means necessary, usually you can buy them from someone else, or hunt them up since you'll get a bonus to chance of finding the specific gem you need. People never wait months before doing anything in the Adventurer's Guild, they start doing bounties as soon as they're done with the level 0 runaround and visit to the respective town's Raging Thrak character.
However, for F2P I don't think the bonus will do you much good with the treasure limitations.
Re: What to do next...
01/05/2016 05:14 AM CST
>People never wait months before doing anything in the Adventurer's Guild, they start doing bounties as soon as they're done with the level 0 runaround and visit to the respective town's Raging Thrak character.
I don't even talk to the sprite until after getting the first bounty. I've probably done 3 before seeing Thrak.
However, game knowledge does help a lot with that as does a gem trading alt. It'll take time to work out which bounties are worth sticking with and which you should turn down if you are new to the system.
>I tried to do some of the bounties, it ended up being a real pain. Either I could not skin the creatures I was given, could not find the gems (I spent TWO weeks trying to find a certain gem before just giving up) or some other problem, and the rewards seem so low. Maybe I am doing it wrong.
Apart from the experience, the rewards are tied to level and will be trivial to start with and meh for quite a long time.
The way gems work is that if you have a task for a green sapphire, all gems you get of the same value as green sapphires will be green sapphires. So no violet or yellow sapphires until you've had your quota of greens. If you have a diamond task, then no emeralds until you have had your quota of diamonds. If you aren't hunting a critter that drops gems of the right value, you won't find the gems and the critters that have low value gems drop gems infrequently so it can take forever to acquire a quota of zircons. If you haven't got a hoard squirrelled away, you don't find any on a decent length hunt, and there's no one responding to your offers to buy, turn the task in and get another one.
The ways skins work is that the more heavily trained you are for skinning (first aid and survival) the higher quality skins you get asked for.
Less than 0.5x task not given, 0.5x-0.999x, 1x-1.499x, 1.5x-1.999x, 2x-, steady increase in the quality asked for. However, you won't actually be able to get the higher quality till higher level, no matter how well you are trained. Only the ranger skinning spell is capable of giving a character a chance at a high quality skin at low level. I'd start out in one of the bottom bands and work my way up to my long term training (which should be 1x in both as a warrior) over the 10-25 level range or hire a skinner or ditch the task when the quality seemed too hard to acquire.
The thing to do is try a task, and if you aren't making progress, remove it and get a new one. Don't stick with the same one or you'll spend forever not doing virtually impossible tasks.
> I would love to get a magical Claidh, but prices on stuff like that is insane.
Its not going to be affordable on loot acquired by level 6, but you should be able to acquire a minimally magic claidh before level 20, or a 2x claidh before level 40. Loot scales quite fast with level to begin with. What you get before level 10 is small change compared to what you'll have at level 20.
I don't even talk to the sprite until after getting the first bounty. I've probably done 3 before seeing Thrak.
However, game knowledge does help a lot with that as does a gem trading alt. It'll take time to work out which bounties are worth sticking with and which you should turn down if you are new to the system.
>I tried to do some of the bounties, it ended up being a real pain. Either I could not skin the creatures I was given, could not find the gems (I spent TWO weeks trying to find a certain gem before just giving up) or some other problem, and the rewards seem so low. Maybe I am doing it wrong.
Apart from the experience, the rewards are tied to level and will be trivial to start with and meh for quite a long time.
The way gems work is that if you have a task for a green sapphire, all gems you get of the same value as green sapphires will be green sapphires. So no violet or yellow sapphires until you've had your quota of greens. If you have a diamond task, then no emeralds until you have had your quota of diamonds. If you aren't hunting a critter that drops gems of the right value, you won't find the gems and the critters that have low value gems drop gems infrequently so it can take forever to acquire a quota of zircons. If you haven't got a hoard squirrelled away, you don't find any on a decent length hunt, and there's no one responding to your offers to buy, turn the task in and get another one.
The ways skins work is that the more heavily trained you are for skinning (first aid and survival) the higher quality skins you get asked for.
Less than 0.5x task not given, 0.5x-0.999x, 1x-1.499x, 1.5x-1.999x, 2x-, steady increase in the quality asked for. However, you won't actually be able to get the higher quality till higher level, no matter how well you are trained. Only the ranger skinning spell is capable of giving a character a chance at a high quality skin at low level. I'd start out in one of the bottom bands and work my way up to my long term training (which should be 1x in both as a warrior) over the 10-25 level range or hire a skinner or ditch the task when the quality seemed too hard to acquire.
The thing to do is try a task, and if you aren't making progress, remove it and get a new one. Don't stick with the same one or you'll spend forever not doing virtually impossible tasks.
> I would love to get a magical Claidh, but prices on stuff like that is insane.
Its not going to be affordable on loot acquired by level 6, but you should be able to acquire a minimally magic claidh before level 20, or a 2x claidh before level 40. Loot scales quite fast with level to begin with. What you get before level 10 is small change compared to what you'll have at level 20.
Re: What to do next...
01/05/2016 03:40 PM CST
>Using a claid would do very little for you, as F2P does not get the benefit of any weighting higher than somewhat without a pass.
Despite the documentation, claidhmores work just fine for F2P.
Despite the documentation, claidhmores work just fine for F2P.
Re: What to do next...
01/05/2016 03:46 PM CST
>Despite the documentation, claidhmores work just fine for F2P.
Maybe not for much longer ;)
Re: What to do next...
01/06/2016 12:34 AM CST
>Maybe not for much longer ;)
Claidhmore (and katana) natural weighting is intentionally discounted with regard to F2P limitations.
Claidhmore (and katana) natural weighting is intentionally discounted with regard to F2P limitations.
Re: What to do next...
01/07/2016 07:02 AM CST
Claidh seems to work fine for me, that's not the problem. I've avoided doing the bounties for now. What is Gift of Lumnis? If the price to play were reasonable, I would do it. 5 bucks a month? No problem. 15? It's ridiculous.
Any other tips on just what things to do at my level? Or is it just grind until I get higher?
Re: What to do next...
01/07/2016 07:47 AM CST
Gem and herb bounties are definitely harder for F2P characters due to the restrictions on treasure drops and foraging, but it's usually not too hard to find someone to forage up the herbs for you. Ask around.
Skin bounties are especially tough at low levels, when there's tons of creatures you could be asked for. As you level up and the number of possible targets decreases, you can stockpile skin bundles from your preferred hunting ground and finish those tasks nice and quick.
Creature, heirloom, and child bounties shouldn't be too bad. Definitely keep checking in with the system.
> What is Gift of Lumnis?
Once a week, paying customers get 3 hours of tripled experience absorbtion followed by 3 more hours of doubled experience absorbtion. (You still get the same amount of experience per kill/heal/raise/bounty/etc.) It makes a big difference, especially if you're like me and don't always play a lot.
Skin bounties are especially tough at low levels, when there's tons of creatures you could be asked for. As you level up and the number of possible targets decreases, you can stockpile skin bundles from your preferred hunting ground and finish those tasks nice and quick.
Creature, heirloom, and child bounties shouldn't be too bad. Definitely keep checking in with the system.
> What is Gift of Lumnis?
Once a week, paying customers get 3 hours of tripled experience absorbtion followed by 3 more hours of doubled experience absorbtion. (You still get the same amount of experience per kill/heal/raise/bounty/etc.) It makes a big difference, especially if you're like me and don't always play a lot.
Re: What to do next...
01/11/2016 07:21 AM CST
>5 bucks a month? No problem. 15? It's ridiculous.
Many a DAY I spent more than $15 playing pinball, with nothing to show for it except some fun and perhaps a high score.
It's all relative, good luck and have fun.
Re: What to do next...
01/13/2016 12:13 PM CST
>Anyway, I am past my 30 days. I skewed my stats for hunting based on the cheatyface article. (https://gswiki.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Cheatyface_30_days). I'm fine with how it's working out.
Wow. Someone actually read (and used) my guide! Maybe I should finish it.
Hey Scribes, make another wiki contest so I am more inclined to make even more silly guides.
Check out who's dying any time! https://twitter.com/GSIVDeathLog
>Daid: Pretty sure you have a whole big bucket as your penny jar. You never have only two cents. :p
Wow. Someone actually read (and used) my guide! Maybe I should finish it.
Hey Scribes, make another wiki contest so I am more inclined to make even more silly guides.
Check out who's dying any time! https://twitter.com/GSIVDeathLog
>Daid: Pretty sure you have a whole big bucket as your penny jar. You never have only two cents. :p