Customer Experience GMs! 07/15/2011 07:43 PM CDT
Hi hi!

Exciting news! We are looking to make a few additions to the CE team, and have a variety of positions to fill. These positions will primarily be for the Towns and Communities team and the Events, Promotions, and Platinum team.

The Towns and Communities positions include some towns/race type guru positions and some community side work with things like Mentors and CHE.

The Events, Promotions and Platinum positions are events focussed, things like festivals, storylines, premium etc.

So, if you are interested in becoming a CE GM, now is the time to get your application in. Please make sure that you fill out all sections of the application rather than just the generic GM application. There is a specific CE application you also need to fill in. When you are completing your application, include what sort of thing you're specifically interested in and why, too!

If you haven't updated your application in the last 6 months, it would be worth updating it now so we get a current application to review.

If anyone has any questions, no matter how small, please feel free to post them here and we'll do our best to answer them!


SGM Towns & Communities
Mentor Guru
Forum Manager
Famous in Norway

Follow me on Twitter: @GSIzzea
Re: Customer Experience GMs! 07/19/2011 12:13 AM CDT
>>Please make sure that you fill out all sections of the application rather than just the generic GM application. There is a specific CE application you also need to fill in.

Just noting that this bears repeating. Your application is not complete and will not be reviewed until at least one of the associated tests are complete, namely "Customer Experience GM" or "Development GM: CE Systems" in the case of wanting to join the CE side. So, get to testing! ;-)
