Calling All Half-Krolvin 02/14/2013 09:37 AM CST

Hi, guys and gals.

Can you guys muster up a half-krolvin wish list for me? It can be anything from verbs to items to events to festivals to documents you'd like to see. Hit me with everything you've got.

~ X.
Re: Calling All Half-Krolvin 02/14/2013 06:35 PM CST

I believe it was the mentors that were sponsoring various events designed to educate on the various player races found in Elanthia. I enjoyed the ones I attended and don't know if more are in the works or they lost steam somewhere along the way. As a player of a half-krolvin (but by no means an expert on this races history or place in the lands), I would be very interested in learning more and seeing different perspective on this race through a similar venue.

-- Robert
Re: Calling All Half-Krolvin 03/19/2013 07:25 PM CDT
Have you been getting emails on the wish list? I can't think of much. HK's are damn good.

The new barks are awesome. I'd like to be able to direct them at a target. It will aid in non common language communication greatly when there are multiple conversations going on in the same location. Is that possible?