Sorry, not you Tusken Raiders!
First off, I am going to cross reference this thread, with a same one over in the Human forum as well, since both races have the choice to be a Tehir/Shakat. With that being said, read below!
A few Tehir, myself included, have been in talk/thoughts of possibly starting up the beginning what will be a Watering Hole for all Tehir/Shakat enthusiast players around the game.
Meaning, we are looking into starting up an MHO, catering to the wandering nomads of the dunes.
However, before I continue down this rather responsible and tedious journey, I would like to first get a show of hands at just how many people may be interested in being a part of this "Watering Hole".
The restrictions on joining will not be harsh, however we will ask that you of course belong to the Tehir or Shakat tribes, along with a few other minor accommodations.
So, by a show of hands, replies, emails, smoke screens, carrier pigeons or grunts and slurps....How many of you, would indeed be seriously interested in possibly becoming part of the above journey?
If so, let me know. Further details will then be given/explained/shared.
~Jukes, the wandering selshis