I know that there are various things scattered around Elanthia that were put there in memorandum of player characters or to honor their contributions to the lands. Unfortunately, it seems to not be common knowledge what things were placed around towns for that reason.
Sadly, my own knowledge is lacking about which items this might be.... but I'd like to compile a list so it won't be lost to the ages why these things are there. So, if anyone knows of any of these things, I'd appreciate if they could let me know.
A couple of the things I'm referring to but don't have all the details about (though I'm sure there are others I'm not aware of):
-I was told long ago the pile of table legs at one of the tables in River's Rest was in memorandum of a player (that supposedly passed away), but I don't know the character's name
-Some streets in the Landing were named for characters that were around before de-ICEing, but I don't know which ones.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Honored players
05/26/2018 01:20 AM CDT
>> -Some streets in the Landing were named for characters that were around before de-ICEing, but I don't know which ones.
This is my project that I will premiere the first one or two at Pioneer Days. (waves to Kenstrom, SURPRISE!)
I knew and played with almost every one of them.
Many of the people (and more) are also mentioned in Dreamweaver's Ballad of the Landing. It's been ret-conned along with GS to be ICE-proof, except for many one or two things. :) Luxie premiered the performance last Pioneer Days. I rewrote some of the stanzas in it, too - I ... might know a bit more about lyrics than I did in 1993 or whenever that was.
Ask me anytime for a song.
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
TownCrier News Submission link: http://bit.ly/TownCrierNews
This is my project that I will premiere the first one or two at Pioneer Days. (waves to Kenstrom, SURPRISE!)
I knew and played with almost every one of them.
Many of the people (and more) are also mentioned in Dreamweaver's Ballad of the Landing. It's been ret-conned along with GS to be ICE-proof, except for many one or two things. :) Luxie premiered the performance last Pioneer Days. I rewrote some of the stanzas in it, too - I ... might know a bit more about lyrics than I did in 1993 or whenever that was.
Ask me anytime for a song.
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
TownCrier News Submission link: http://bit.ly/TownCrierNews
Re: Honored players
05/26/2018 11:14 AM CDT
Off the top of my head, Starchitin, Erebor Square and Taarna Road were named after real players.
Re: Honored players
05/26/2018 01:20 PM CDT
I think all of the street names are named after former players, except for the North, South, East, and West Ring roads, and town center.
Nephew Clunk once did regular walks about town with Berr Zercker, Reklawhtur and others to hear tales of those characters, and to puzzle over why each had earned their own street name. There is no better source than those who remember first hand, but only a few of those folks are still about.
Thuunk did the same thing researching the now not-so-rare Kelfour and/or Kulthea Chronicles, maybe twenty years back. Most are named for first lord or first lady of either a race or profession.
Hearthstone Manor similarly records early character history, but this time for the first of each profession to achieve Legend status.
Catch Thuunk in town, and we can go over them, and perhaps do a walkabout town.
If you want to complete the timing, by earth years, Elonka used to have a record of Simutronics related company product events, that is helpful when piecing together the in-game timeline. Of course, that part is out-of-game, but helpful in understanding the various eras the game has gone through.
Re: Honored players
05/26/2018 03:34 PM CDT
Mister Clunk is right, there are VERY few street names, room title names which are not named for the original characters who founded the Landing.
There are other references in various other kinds of places to some later ice-age characters, too. I've seen one for Artuero (actually 2 for him), Sagan, and Dreamweaver. And those are just the ones I have found!
They surprise me ... and my eyes start leaking!
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
TownCrier News Submission link: http://bit.ly/TownCrierNews
There are other references in various other kinds of places to some later ice-age characters, too. I've seen one for Artuero (actually 2 for him), Sagan, and Dreamweaver. And those are just the ones I have found!
They surprise me ... and my eyes start leaking!
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
TownCrier News Submission link: http://bit.ly/TownCrierNews
Re: Honored players
05/26/2018 10:47 PM CDT
>There are other references in various other kinds of places to some later ice-age characters, too. I've seen one for Artuero (actually 2 for him)
The Bresnahanini rolton is the one I know of for Artuero, what else please?
Art was chairman of Arcane when I was inducted, what a stickler for Roberts Rules! Fun times.
The Bresnahanini rolton is the one I know of for Artuero, what else please?
Art was chairman of Arcane when I was inducted, what a stickler for Roberts Rules! Fun times.
Re: Honored players
05/27/2018 12:58 AM CDT
> The Bresnahanini rolton is the one I know of for Artuero, what else please?
Have you seen the menu at the Silvergate Inn's Pub? :)
I'm pretty sure Enegue would have put that in while Artuero was still playing, I don't even think that was added as an afterthought. :) But I'm not sure about that.
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
TownCrier News Submission link: http://bit.ly/TownCrierNews
Have you seen the menu at the Silvergate Inn's Pub? :)
I'm pretty sure Enegue would have put that in while Artuero was still playing, I don't even think that was added as an afterthought. :) But I'm not sure about that.
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
TownCrier News Submission link: http://bit.ly/TownCrierNews
Re: Honored players
05/27/2018 06:48 AM CDT
>Have you seen the menu at the Silvergate Inn's Pub?
Gah, more rolton! :)
Thanks Luxelle, I completely forgot about the menu, and at one time I drank a lot of Rumbling Hills ale because the price was right.
Re: Honored players
05/27/2018 10:09 AM CDT
We've had a client for about the last half-dozen years, surname of "Bresnahan". I had to ask him--you have to admit, it's not that common a name...--if he was at all related, but he wasn't. :(
Not sure if it really was done--I do not put it past Raemus at all--but when they debuted Nightmare, he said that OF COURSE the torkaan/rolton nightmare was hard-coded to Art. :)
Not sure if it really was done--I do not put it past Raemus at all--but when they debuted Nightmare, he said that OF COURSE the torkaan/rolton nightmare was hard-coded to Art. :)
Re: Honored players
05/27/2018 10:18 AM CDT
<There are other references in various other kinds of places to some later ice-age characters, too. I've seen one for Artuero (actually 2 for him), Sagan, and Dreamweaver. And those are just the ones I have found!>
Yer, these are the types of things I'm interested in... though I'm not limiting it to the ICE era.
GS had just been de-ICEd when I started playing and I've spent the vast majority of my time in RR, so I likely wouldn't know many references to specific characters if I saw them in other towns. What were the Sagan and Dreamweaver references?
<Catch Thuunk in town, and we can go over them, and perhaps do a walkabout town.>
I might have to take you up on that if I can kick the little bugger awake when you're around. He gets bored waiting around east tower for boxes.
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Yer, these are the types of things I'm interested in... though I'm not limiting it to the ICE era.
GS had just been de-ICEd when I started playing and I've spent the vast majority of my time in RR, so I likely wouldn't know many references to specific characters if I saw them in other towns. What were the Sagan and Dreamweaver references?
<Catch Thuunk in town, and we can go over them, and perhaps do a walkabout town.>
I might have to take you up on that if I can kick the little bugger awake when you're around. He gets bored waiting around east tower for boxes.
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Honored players
05/27/2018 03:30 PM CDT
> GS had just been de-ICEd when I started playing and I've spent the vast majority of my time in RR, so I likely wouldn't know many references to specific characters if I saw them in other towns. What were the Sagan and Dreamweaver references?
Pretty sure both these references came after the De-ICING was finished. I think the harp was first, because I remember Thaerin cajoling me about it and trying to get me to come back.
In Twilight Hall (Landing) ... there's a harp in there with Dreamweaver's name on it. And special messaging if you are a bard and touch it. Dreamweaver left the night it was DE-ICEd, Fall of 1995. However, I did come back once a week for a couple months to share old stories, but not to actually play. Then it was once a month ... then I just stopped. That was maybe 1998? I forget. Elysia might remember. She handed Dream an instrument on a visit that brought me to tears.
Sagan's Hideout/Alley ... is a hidden area in the Landing, complete with a puzzle and all. Sagan survived into the Not-ICEd world, but I don't know for how long.
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
TownCrier News Submission link: http://bit.ly/TownCrierNews
Pretty sure both these references came after the De-ICING was finished. I think the harp was first, because I remember Thaerin cajoling me about it and trying to get me to come back.
In Twilight Hall (Landing) ... there's a harp in there with Dreamweaver's name on it. And special messaging if you are a bard and touch it. Dreamweaver left the night it was DE-ICEd, Fall of 1995. However, I did come back once a week for a couple months to share old stories, but not to actually play. Then it was once a month ... then I just stopped. That was maybe 1998? I forget. Elysia might remember. She handed Dream an instrument on a visit that brought me to tears.
Sagan's Hideout/Alley ... is a hidden area in the Landing, complete with a puzzle and all. Sagan survived into the Not-ICEd world, but I don't know for how long.
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
TownCrier News Submission link: http://bit.ly/TownCrierNews
Re: Honored players
05/27/2018 04:18 PM CDT
Re: Sagan's Hideout/Alley ... I'm pretty sure this was placed here as a memorial after the player passed away. But I don't know when that was. He was one of those amazing Roleplayers you admired, most people ... admired him from a distance :)
He was one of the few instrumental characters who stood up to the Mad Mage at the height of the CoL Conflict back in the early 90's. Because there was nothing at ALL subtle or discriminating about Lythe. Youngsters were as much fair game to him as the seasoned vets of the day.
Yuri, Sagan, and Benar often came to the defense of a younger character that Lythe was targeting, regardless of which side the youngster was on, or which side they were on.
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
TownCrier News Submission link: http://bit.ly/TownCrierNews
He was one of the few instrumental characters who stood up to the Mad Mage at the height of the CoL Conflict back in the early 90's. Because there was nothing at ALL subtle or discriminating about Lythe. Youngsters were as much fair game to him as the seasoned vets of the day.
Yuri, Sagan, and Benar often came to the defense of a younger character that Lythe was targeting, regardless of which side the youngster was on, or which side they were on.
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
TownCrier News Submission link: http://bit.ly/TownCrierNews
Re: Honored players
05/28/2018 08:35 AM CDT
"after the player passed away. But I don't know when that was." -- Luxelle
Sadly, I have archives. :(
Re: Sagan
On: 2/13/2009
At: 3:48:28 AM
##: 1594
I regret that we must follow the last thread on Taylir with a new one of similar nature and a different name. It has been brought to my attention that, as far it can be verified, the player behind Sagan has died recently.
Sadly, I have archives. :(
Re: Sagan
On: 2/13/2009
At: 3:48:28 AM
##: 1594
I regret that we must follow the last thread on Taylir with a new one of similar nature and a different name. It has been brought to my attention that, as far it can be verified, the player behind Sagan has died recently.
Re: Honored players
05/29/2018 09:41 AM CDT
There are some in guilds as well, probably rather more than I recognise.
Re: Honored players
05/29/2018 03:40 PM CDT
I'll go through bard guilds as I get to the various cities.
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
TownCrier News Submission link: http://bit.ly/TownCrierNews
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
TownCrier News Submission link: http://bit.ly/TownCrierNews
Re: Honored players
06/09/2018 05:37 AM CDT
I knew Sagan outside the game. He was one of the kindest people I'd ever met. His smile was infectious and he lifted the spirits of those around him. He's one of those people I just liked to be around, and whatever honors he has left in-game are truly well deserved.
Re: Honored players
07/14/2018 09:29 AM CDT
This is a tattoo on one of my merchants, so it doesn't fully apply here. However, the sentiment was the same.
>tap tattoo
You tap an enormous eclair tattoo that you are wearing.
>look tattoo
Inked from shoulder to elbow, the glorious pastry has been designed with true-to-life details. Deep cocoa-hued ink seems to dribble down the edges of the oblong delicacy, while strategic hash lines give three-dimensional form to the oozing cream filling. Dots of golden brown ink surround the image like tiny crumbs, blending in among various arm hairs and freckles. Written in flowing chocolate-brown script are the words, "In Memoriam ~ Forever Bisco."
Speaking in Elven, Nihrvanah says, "Listen, I'm no Flava Flav."
Gweneivia softly says, "Lavabombs are just the isle's way of saying it loves you."
>tap tattoo
You tap an enormous eclair tattoo that you are wearing.
>look tattoo
Inked from shoulder to elbow, the glorious pastry has been designed with true-to-life details. Deep cocoa-hued ink seems to dribble down the edges of the oblong delicacy, while strategic hash lines give three-dimensional form to the oozing cream filling. Dots of golden brown ink surround the image like tiny crumbs, blending in among various arm hairs and freckles. Written in flowing chocolate-brown script are the words, "In Memoriam ~ Forever Bisco."
Speaking in Elven, Nihrvanah says, "Listen, I'm no Flava Flav."
Gweneivia softly says, "Lavabombs are just the isle's way of saying it loves you."
Re: Honored players
07/14/2018 12:35 PM CDT
Not something I expected to see posted.... but counts in my book
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Honored players
07/24/2018 12:42 PM CDT
>> Liia's Bisco tattoo
Rawr... ::tears:: I may not know many GS characters (or their players), but Bisco's passing was one that actually got to me. Bisco was good people, here's hoping he's resting in peace. ::toast::
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Paragon of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
Rawr... ::tears:: I may not know many GS characters (or their players), but Bisco's passing was one that actually got to me. Bisco was good people, here's hoping he's resting in peace. ::toast::
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Paragon of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair