Dear Citizens of Elanthia,
During the month of Jastatos, I have personally seen an outpouring of love and generosity from so many of you, so much so, it makes me incredibly proud to be a part of your community.
For weeks, I saw people donate building supplies and silvers to buy more for people so they could help restore the temple on Caligos Island. I saw people hand off raffle wins without selling them to friends. I watched others pay for entire rooms at merchants, so people could get work done faster and sometimes afford others the opportunity to be chosen. I greatly appreciated this myself, because a couple of times, I did not have enough money to pay for merchants' fees, so thank you to those who generously paid for everyone.
I witnessed people getting work done for others who had not had many chances to be chosen. I saw people giving silvers and tickets to others so they could play games or fish or shop. I saw gifts being made for others... just because. I experienced an amazing amount of communication from everyone, so people would know what raffles there were, what merchants were working, where the good buys were.
Though it means very little, I wanted to personally thank you all for doing all of these things. Not only did I benefit, but so many others did, as well. And I know it was all greatly appreciated.
So, thank you, Citizens of Elanthia, for showing us just how tightly knit this community truly is and how generous we can be with our time and our gifts.
Dirvy Aerilithren
Executrix of House Sovyn
Elder Sentinel Adviser of The Order of the Sphere and Scythe
Jastatos 28, 5117