(no subject)
08/17/2017 05:56 PM CDT
Y'all are funny. I'm not sure what you think I have... it's +40 soft leather that I've had since before I joined staff, and I am 99 percent sure Kodos was the wizard that ET'ed it. At some point I paid a merchant to alter the long description. I can't remember how much padding it has - just that I got it done at a merchant after the ET was done. I sang to all our stuff when we came back, but I sang to so many items over a couple of days that it's all a jumble in my brain.
Erek has better stuff, but he's also "older" in terms of played years and had more time to acquire and build his gear. :)
Re: (no subject)
08/17/2017 09:33 PM CDT
< I can't remember how much padding it has - just that I got it done at a merchant after the ET was done. I sang to all our stuff when we came back, but I sang to so many items over a couple of days that it's all a jumble in my brain.>
A loresinging will only tell you whether or not an item is padded, not by how much. You'll want to find a warrior to ASSESS it for you to determine the amount of padding, the more training in Armor Use they have the more likely they'll be successful.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
A loresinging will only tell you whether or not an item is padded, not by how much. You'll want to find a warrior to ASSESS it for you to determine the amount of padding, the more training in Armor Use they have the more likely they'll be successful.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: (no subject)
08/18/2017 06:15 AM CDT
>>A loresinging will only tell you whether or not an item is padded, not by how much. You'll want to find a warrior to ASSESS it for you to determine the amount of padding, the more training in Armor Use they have the more likely they'll be successful.
Yeah I am figuring out what changed with item identification. For example, 405 seems to be largely useless to me now, but I recall using it all the time in GS3. I googled it and found a couple of posts from the mid 2000's where people were talking about it changing to protect the various classes' abilities to identify various item properties. It mainly seems useful now to wizards to see their own enchanting tags, from what I can tell. As a semi with access to MinorE it has not done a darn thing for me since I got back. :)
Re: (no subject)
08/18/2017 06:20 AM CDT
Slacking on your EL:Air ranks!
(With enough, it will just say, "yes this is Enhancive.")
(With enough, it will just say, "yes this is Enhancive.")
Re: (no subject)
08/18/2017 06:52 AM CDT
>>Slacking on your EL:Air ranks!
>> (With enough, it will just say, "yes this is Enhancive.")
Elysia's 1x Air lore as SB. As it is, I had to give up all my old hide/ambush/lockpicking skill to get that. /sad.
That's provided you are casting 405 @ an enhancive, and... I don't own any. Well, to be more accurate, we found our first one in a box a week or so ago, and I loresang to it, but I did not try casting 405 at it. Loresing told me what it was and all its benefits. I think Erek stuffed it in his locker because we didn't know whether we wanted to keep it.
Mostly I cast 405 at all the old stuff we had with us when we returned - so classic GS3 gear, and piles of old school crumbly spell items from 90's merchant events. Handfuls of tart crumbs, anyone? Sugar bubbles? Mangled spoons? :) I expected 405 to work on all those spell items like it used to, and it didn't work on anything - I had to sing to each one.
Re: (no subject)
08/18/2017 08:29 AM CDT
Mangled spoons can be worth a bit, since they're Heroism; less so now, though, since they've eased up on releasing access to Heroism. (Weren't there scrolls off the rack in one of the shops at the Festival on N. Ring Road [west end somewheres] just now?)
Yeah, I wouldn't think Detect/405 will do much for your old stuff. :(
However, with new-founds, it's a great improvement. (Also works on pawnshop tables!) Which would you rather?
- 5 mana & 3s castRT to determine whether something is worth doing more research on?
- 2 mana (to start, incremental increases) per verse (even a couplet), and 5-7s hardRT to LoreSing? ("Finding out it is Enhancive" is on the 3rd verse, along with "it has a spell from the <Realm> sphere", and the details [ranks/skill bonus, exactly which spell, specific # of spell charges if applicable] on the 4th.)
Me, I'm a huge fan of "cast and move on" to find out if it's a good item, and then ONLY LoreSinging (or buying from the pawn & then singing) on the good ones.
Yeah, I wouldn't think Detect/405 will do much for your old stuff. :(
However, with new-founds, it's a great improvement. (Also works on pawnshop tables!) Which would you rather?
- 5 mana & 3s castRT to determine whether something is worth doing more research on?
- 2 mana (to start, incremental increases) per verse (even a couplet), and 5-7s hardRT to LoreSing? ("Finding out it is Enhancive" is on the 3rd verse, along with "it has a spell from the <Realm> sphere", and the details [ranks/skill bonus, exactly which spell, specific # of spell charges if applicable] on the 4th.)
Me, I'm a huge fan of "cast and move on" to find out if it's a good item, and then ONLY LoreSinging (or buying from the pawn & then singing) on the good ones.