Hosted By Helden Hall and Ord an Dragan
Day 1: Day of the Huntress, 15th of Olaesta (Friday, April 15th)
Start: 10:00 PM EST (First rounds) *Sign-ups begin at 9:00 PM Elven
Day 2: Feastday, 16th of Olaesta (Saturday, April 16th)
Start: 1:00 PM EST (All rounds)
Place: Helden Hall Arena (Entrance at the Wehnimer's, Festival Grounds on North Ring Road, down red-bricked pathway - RM 6944)
Day 3: Join us to celebrate the victors at the Tournament of Champions Ball and Award Ceremony on Restday, 17th of Olaesta (Sunday, April 17th) hosted in the tent at the Festival Grounds and entrance to the Helden Arena.
Start: 9:00 PM EST
NO Hiding
NO same Player matches
NO area spells
Arena Mechanics: (Will Crash Arena if violated)
NO Invisibilty
NO Sandstorm, NO Insect Swarm (They do not stay within combat area)
NO Carn's Cry
NO V’Tulls Fury
NO Weapon fire
NO Maelstrom
NO Meteor swarm
NO Gerrelle's Growl
Anyone found cheating or trying to break any rule will be removed from competition and awards will be forfeited
Level 01 to 09 ---1
Level 10 to 19 ---2
Level 20 to 29 ---3
Level 30 to 39 ---4
Level 40 to 49 ---5
Level 50 to 59 ---6
Level 60 to 69 ---7
Level 70 to 79 ---8
Level 80 to 90 ---9
Level 91 and up ---10
Grand Melee Special Rules (All Tournament rules apply):
All Combatants stripped of all spells. Casters will put on standard defensive spells for all
who wish them. No points are awarded. Grand Melee winner may not participate in additional Grand Melees
Maximum possible points for any contestant = 11
Win Round 5
Lose Round 0
Optional: Style +1
Judges Consensus – Point is earned even if Round is lost
Options for additional points:
Combat 1 level up +2
No Defensive Spells +1
Unenchanted Weapons/Armor +1
No allowed Maneuvers (Guild or Combat) + 2
Point Penalty: Failure to abide by handicap - # (loss of # earnable points)
~ Sirona
Ord an Dragan Events Officer
REMINDER: 2016 TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS - Day of the Huntress, 15th – 17th of Olaesta (April)
04/14/2016 10:39 PM CDT
Re: REMINDER: 2016 TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS - Day of the Huntress, 15th – 17th of Olaesta (April)
04/16/2016 02:27 AM CDT
I've started a new drinking game. I drink every time I see a reminder for the tournament of champions...
Re: REMINDER: 2016 TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS - Day of the Huntress, 15th – 17th of Olaesta (April)
04/17/2016 09:33 AM CDT
Excellent! You should be quite inebriated.
Re: REMINDER: 2016 TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS - Day of the Huntress, 15th – 17th of Olaesta (April)
04/17/2016 09:58 AM CDT
If you have not read the forums in a while or if you read the full forums you'll see them all obviously. Sorry if it seemed spammy. Not everyone reads every forum folder so I post to those that would apply. Even with the posts, news items, calendar, ESP, Lich, as well as talking about events in game, I still get people who tell me, 'I didn't know about the event'. :)
Re: REMINDER: 2016 TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS - Day of the Huntress, 15th – 17th of Olaesta (April)
04/18/2016 09:43 AM CDT
>I've started a new drinking game. I drink every time I see a reminder for the tournament of champions...
How drunk were you this morning?