Feast of the Immortals - 20-25th of Eorgaen (December 20-25)
The history of the dwarves will never be complete. As a race, they are amongst the most private of all mortals. Little is known of the dwarves prior to the war with Despana. They were known merely as miners and merchants. They were seen to be fierce of heart and known to be strong of spirit. Barely sharing words amongst each other, they used mostly simple, inflected grunts to communicate their basic needs. When alone and gathered together, free of the prying eyes and ears of other races, they would share their tales in the form of song and stories, told over ale and camaraderie - celebrating their heartiness and brotherhood, and educating the future generations at the same time.
Kinfolk it is time to revive our cultures tradition of the great kinsmoot! Messengers have been sent out to spread the word, gather your kinfolk and make pilgrimage to Kharag 'doth Dzulthu. Festivities begin on Eorgaen 20th and will continue through the 25th.
I call out to deh Grevneks, Krenlumtreks, Greetoks, 'n Toktrogs! Deh Roramnoaks, Krethuums ,Ralgreneks, 'n Gotroneks! Listen to my pleas yeh Oltregeks, Egrenteks, Parkshnuums, Mordrakams and Grenroas! Come forth from your forges yeh Kikthuums, Gulrotens, Sharznekgrens an' Schneckgrens! Walk forth n' join us yeh Ragnaks, Lay down your tools n' come forth into the daylight my Kazunel brothers,yeh Rezneks and Smaeltons We welcome yeh all come forth yeh Khanshael, an' Mithreneks!
Restday - Service to Eonake.
If yeh are one to work with your hands bring forth your works to be blessed by deh lord Eonak. A prayer service will be held and a blessing sought for deh Kinsmoot.
Volnes - Stories of the undead
Bring a tale of dwarven lore relating to those who've passed beyond the Ebon Gate, or those who refuse to and haunt the lands!
Tilamaires - Song and Dance
Light hearted tales lymrics drinking and dance
Prepare your Stories of bravery and battle
Fishing frying feast stories!
Day of the Huntress
Services to Eonake Parting gifts fairwells
If anyone is interested in helping host the event please email my play.net