Years ago the RR guru at the time ran a contest to get areas of the wiki relevant to the town fleshed out. Because of that contest, quite a few people (including myself) that might never have contributed to the Wiki got started posting what we could and many of us have continued doing so to this day, making it so that there's usually very little about RR one could want to know that can't be found on the Wiki (from town services to lore to critter info).
Looking for information on other towns on the Wiki, I'm often frustrated that what I need just isn't there... and the most populated towns seem to be the most poorly fleshed out. Maybe if the gurus of other towns ran a similar contest, it would convince more residents that call them home to take an interest in the Wiki and get their knowledge up there for others to find.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.