I wish you could get citizenship or partial citizenship in multiple towns and, upon achieving citizenship in ALL the towns, got the title "world traveller" ... but entirely just because I want ALL the citizenship verbs, being as I love them so.
Re: Random Citizenship Musings
09/17/2015 03:42 PM CDT
Have an office, similar to the Passpartou, where you can 'shelve' your Citizenship in a particular town when you move away. Everything about Citizenship in that town becomes INactive for you, until you shelve <your current town> and re-activate it there.
Call them "Embassies" of the various towns.
You can even have an 'Embassy Row', like a Residence neighborhood or PlayerShop mall arcade.
ONLY IF you have a single 'current' Citizenship and one in abeyance in every other town... can you receive your <something like the RP equivalent of the Warrior Guild's 'Master at Arms'> title.
Maybe it comes with its own ring/pin/brooch, which you can use to impress the gate-guards at each town as you enter.
Maybe the recognize you by name, like at Hearthstone.
But I'm just brainstorming here.
TL,DR: neat idea. Someone should run with it. :)
Call them "Embassies" of the various towns.
You can even have an 'Embassy Row', like a Residence neighborhood or PlayerShop mall arcade.
ONLY IF you have a single 'current' Citizenship and one in abeyance in every other town... can you receive your <something like the RP equivalent of the Warrior Guild's 'Master at Arms'> title.
Maybe it comes with its own ring/pin/brooch, which you can use to impress the gate-guards at each town as you enter.
Maybe the recognize you by name, like at Hearthstone.
But I'm just brainstorming here.
TL,DR: neat idea. Someone should run with it. :)
Re: Random Citizenship Musings
09/17/2015 07:52 PM CDT
Maybe some kind of honorary citizenship for secondary citizenships? So you'd be a full citizen of Ta'Vaalor, but could then get honorary citizenship in other cities. Like partial citizenship, but half that. Maybe official residency? You could set verbs and such but not buy shops (if there were actually any for sale) or enter citizen-only raffles, for instance. I don't know, I just want citizenship in two places, one on each side of the mountains, I keep splitting my time. :D
But I like the World Traveler idea along with it. Or through some way.
But I like the World Traveler idea along with it. Or through some way.
Re: Random Citizenship Musings
09/17/2015 07:53 PM CDT
I think it's a neat idea but it would never work. You have to be a certain race to gain citizenship in certain towns.
Re: Random Citizenship Musings
09/18/2015 05:49 PM CDT
I do think that there are a lot of citizen verbs that ought to be more generally available, but I'd rather see those citizen (and racial) verbs, that son't have good RP reasons to back up why those actions are restricted, opened for general use.
Re: Random Citizenship Musings
09/20/2015 11:25 AM CDT
>I do think that there are a lot of citizen verbs that ought to be more generally available, but I'd rather see those citizen (and racial) verbs, that son't have good RP reasons to back up why those actions are restricted, opened for general use.
I've always felt this way, too. There's no reason to pigeon-hole races into a particular personality archetype -- that can be left to the player. And some of the citizen verbs are just pretty cool.
~Brian, Sepher's player
I've always felt this way, too. There's no reason to pigeon-hole races into a particular personality archetype -- that can be left to the player. And some of the citizen verbs are just pretty cool.
~Brian, Sepher's player
Re: Random Citizenship Musings
09/20/2015 01:10 PM CDT
I admit i'm not up to speed on partial citizenship, but I thought it allowed everyone to have some of the benefits with every town, but not all. One would think verbs would be appropriate for partial citizenship. Save the discounts, the raffles, etc for full citizenship. Allow the RP stuff to be accessed by everyone.