Silverwood Open House Beginners Event for UK/European Players? 04/07/2017 01:15 PM CDT
I play a low level character and find it annoying that the Open House event is at 2:30 am in the UK. I would like to request an event or series of events like this that are not in the middle of the night for the benefit of UK or European players.

nebneb125 (playing the character Taarlock)
Re: Silverwood Open House Beginners Event for UK/European Players? 04/07/2017 02:20 PM CDT
I'm assuming you're referring to the Silverwood open house on the 17th?

Unfortunately, you're not likely going to see very many events during the week that will be early enough to satisfy your request for two reasons:

1. The vast majority of the player population is located in the US and the people that run events try to schedule them so as many as possible can attend. 9:30PM Eastern is about the earliest that will allow people on both coasts to attend.

2. The people that run events (usually GMs, Mentors, and/or CHE members) have different schedules outside GS, but they all have to make a living. GMs get paid a pittance, if anything, while Mentors and CHE members are player volunteers. Since most Americans get off at 5-6 in the evening, it's still going to put it at 11-12PM your time at the earliest before any east coasters could get home to run an event.

I'm by no means trying to imply that I'm against your request being granted, just trying to explain why events are run when they are.

Luckily, the Silverwood open house is run by the Mentors. Knowing them as I do, I'd bet that if you rang the bell at Silverwood Manor and explained the situation to whoever answers the door, they'd probably be willing to arrange a time for you to meet a bunch of them and get a tour of the Manor. If there's enough of them in game when you ring the bell, they might even do it right then and there.


A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.