Can anyone possibly advise me on this site? It seems to be where most auction or sell their items these days, rather then here. I have found several items I am interested in, and tried to join, so I can bid, or buy, but I never received a confirmation, and upon contacting help, I still have not recived an answer. Has anyone else had difficulties, and or know how I can get this fixed,so I can join?
Thank you,
Re: re GSIV Merchant's Market site
03/25/2018 06:24 PM CDT
If you're talking about the one at the Player's Corner, it's a standard forum. You can create an alias and join without any need for approval, etc.
You can post there, as well, once you have a forum name.
You can post there, as well, once you have a forum name.
Re: re GSIV Merchant's Market site
03/25/2018 06:44 PM CDT
Hi Doug; I'm not sure if it's the same one? This site is headed with. Bulliten. I attempted to register, and at the end of the process, was told I would get a confirmation email. which I never got. I figured a few days ago, I would try signing in, anyway, since there where some items I wanted to bid on. I evidentially forgot my username or password, and when I asked for the password reminder, did not get an answer, nor did I get an answer when I asked for help on the contact section. But I do thank you for your reply!
Re: re GSIV Merchant's Market site
03/25/2018 08:15 PM CDT
Yes, I think it's the same one.
And yes - there are some holes in the 'user administration'. It's not a commercial site, nor is it officially part of the GS subscription.
The email will either be filtered or identified as spam / junk, if you're not getting it at all. Did you check your 'junk' folder in your email to see if there was something there? The site does send out the registration emails. I've gotten one.
And yes - there are some holes in the 'user administration'. It's not a commercial site, nor is it officially part of the GS subscription.
The email will either be filtered or identified as spam / junk, if you're not getting it at all. Did you check your 'junk' folder in your email to see if there was something there? The site does send out the registration emails. I've gotten one.
Re: re GSIV Merchant's Market site
03/25/2018 09:36 PM CDT
Hi Doug. Yes, I checked all three of my folders, focused, other, and junk..nothing. I am going to try signing up again under another name, I think.
Thanks for your reply.
Thanks for your reply.