Not sure if this was the right place to ask or not, but I was curious about Pure Coraesine and what happens when it is either disarmed or you die and a critter snatches it. Does Coraesine return to your hand if disarmed? Will a critter try and snatch it if you die? If so and the critter drops it, does it return to your hand or does it just lie there on the ground being harmful to anyone who tries to pick it up until either you get back to reclaim it or until the janitor makes it disappear forever?
Also, I've never seen a critter try to snatch a black ora weapon from your hands after death, or disarm it. Can it be snatched or disarmed since it is cursed? Would the same be the case of 'true' black ora?
Re: Pure Coraesine question
07/17/2013 09:10 AM CDT
I've wondered the same about the coraesine where you can set it to flare if someone picks it up. It seems like you'd prevent someone from rescuing your weapon if you were disarmed and then died. Wouldn't the janitor take it by the time you could get back? I guess you could hold out for a field raise heh.
Do bonded weapons come back into your hands if yer dead?
As for black ora, they can be disarmed. You'd think that would at least be a benefit of wielding one with its auto curse.
Re: Pure Coraesine question
07/18/2013 02:58 PM CDT
Dang. So much for my thought of buying a Black Ora weapon, and being able to use it without having to worry about losing it in OTF. Same for Coraesine I suppose, but at least with that stuff, the critters couldn't take it, they'd just drop it on the ground. I get so sick of not being able to use and bond to a weapon in Shattered. Level 100 giant warrior and I've got to use thrown weapons because it's impossible to keep decent weapons for long in Shattered. sigh
Re: Pure Coraesine question
09/30/2014 11:41 AM CDT
So, this is a bit delayed in reply, but I used to own an "impure" bonded coraesine weapon.
The weapon would not ever be picked up by a critter. Ever. It was unusable by anyone except the owner, and had thorns that would sever hands should they try to carry the weapon for any length of time. Critters, apparently, were fully aware and unwilling to touch the weapons.
Weapon bonding allowed the weapon to return to one's hand, but not if dead. There were a number of times when the weapon was left on the ground next to my corpse, and rescuers would pick it up and stow it for a time. That was possible, but they would usually be stunned initially after carrying the weapon.
Suffice to say, it was possible to lose the weapon to the janitor and to implosion. However, it was a lot harder to lose than your average bonded weapon. They're also a lot harder to obtain as they were only distributed through auctions and were -account- bound, so you can't just buy one.
Re: Pure Coraesine question
09/30/2014 02:44 PM CDT