Howdy everyone!
We had a nice shindig on Saturday night in which I attempted to relate everything there was to know about being a Wordsmith, and was helpfully reminded by current Wordsmiths of things I was overlooking. For those of you unable to attend, below is a summary of what was passed on. If you are interested, after reading the below, please shoot me an e-mail at
Definition: Wordsmith (noun) - a player who is a member of the Gemstone Wordsmith organization.
A wordsmith is a player who has the opportunity to contribute to the official documentation of Gemstone IV or help produce written material for Gemstone GameMasters. Writing projects arise from two sources: 1) A GameMaster submits a project request to the Wordsmiths to supply written material for everything from a document concerning X, Y, or Z, to loresongs for items to messaging for use in-game, and so on; and 2) the Wordsmith submitting a proposal for a project, be it a document or other text, and having it approved to be started.
Requirements: 1) Passion for writing or editing or Gemstone or all of the above. 2) Maturity to keep things confidential. Wordsmiths work on projects that may be confidential and failing to uphold such can result in the boot!
The Process: Once a Wordsmith writes a document, they can submit it to the group for constructive criticism or editing. It is then submitted to the relevant GM for approval and goes through the QC process a final time, before being ready to be published or used in-game.
Wordsmithing How Assigned: Generally, a Wordsmith either requests to work on a proposed project or a GM submits a request and a Wordsmith can volunteer to work on it. A Wordsmith will not be asked to work on anything he or she doesn't wish to work upon.
Please feel free to post any follow up questions!
GM Scribes