1. The most recent updates noted in any of the forging system scripts is the addition of the Gift of Eonake benefit. No one's modified the grinder, the vise, or the forge recently in any other way, so inordinate runs of bad luck are just that. The RNG in GS has been "odd" in that regard since forever.
2. Various glyphs have differing levels of complexity, it's referenced in the text of the placard in the workshop supply stall. The complexity/difficulty level ONLY limits which glyphs a weaponsmith can work with at any given skill level. If you're capable enough to scribe the glyph onto a slab, you're capable enough to produce the part. Beyond that, the difficulty of the glyph doesn't impact anything further in the system that I've been able to identify.
3. The chance to successfully forge an item is determined by:
1-500 | [appropriate forging skill (OHE, BR, etc.)] | |
- | [wound/HP-loss penalty] | |
+ | [Forging stat bonuses averaged] (Effective Con bonus, Effective Dis bonus, Effective Str bonus) | |
{Comparatively, Grinder stat bonuses are (Effective Dex bonus, Effective Dis bonus, Effective Str bonus)} | ||
- | [material's magical-plus penalty (higher plus = higher penalty)] | |
- | [material's size penalty (each "pound" of material being worked is a -1 penalty)] | |
(working larger masses of material at the forge is inherently more difficult) | ||
+ | [forging hammer's quality modifier] | |
- | [profession handicap] | |
+ | [Racial bonus] | |
{Chance of success} |
1-500 RNG
If RNG < {Chance of success} then SUCCESS.
Gift of Eonake provides a 2nd success roll. The better of the two is kept.
4. Once a Forging attempt has been determined to be a success, an additional 1-100 RNG determines if it was actually an Extraordinary Success (a "best work" item, necessary in order to achieve a Perfect weapon).
The forge's script/code suggests that a 5% chance of an E.S. was intended, with the hammer's ownership/quality providing a bonus, but the code evaluates to the two If statements below:
If the forging-hammer does not belong to the weaponsmith, the % chance of an E.S. is 0.
If the forging-hammer DOES belong to the weaponsmith, the % chance of an E.S. = the hammer's quality modifier.
5. Once a Grinding attempt has been determined to be a success, an additional 1-100 RNG determines if it was actually an Extraordinary Success. The grinder's chance of an E.S is a flat 5% chance. No modifiers of any sort.
6. At the Grinder, Rogues, Rangers and Monks have a 0 professional handicap. Max Prof handicap is 40.
At the Forge, Warriors and Paladins have a -5 professional "handicap". Max Prof handicap is 50.
At the Vise, Warriors and Paladins have a 0 professional handicap. Max Prof handicap is 6. (profession matters much less when assembling parts)
7. At the vise, if the assembly is successful (Gift of Eonake provides a 2nd success roll. The better of the two is kept.) the chance of an Extraordinary Success and a quality increase is determined by a 1-100 RNG vs. (the applicable Forging skill/50),
So the max possible is a 10% chance. A weaponsmith with an OHE forging skill of 400 would have an 8% chance of an E.S. when assembling an OHE weapon.
- Mikos