The following items from Ebon Gate 2012 are defective:
a barbed drakar arrowhead (sold as 'a bundle of drakar arrowheads')
a spiral drakar cap (sold as 'a bundle of drakar caps')
Once fletched into an arrow, the arrowheads appear as 'a mithril drakar arrowhead', while the caps appear as 'a mithril drakar cap'. This is clearly incorrect, not to mention a logical fallacy.
I have a locker filled with these things, and I was really hoping to produce some bundles soon because both my archers are almost out of ammo. But this has me dead in the water, and I don't want to waste my valuable arrowheads and caps. I did BUGITEM both a single arrowhead and a single cap, and even have a GM referral pending, but it's been a few days now.
The other problem I'm having is that darned "anturn" bug. I think considering the time and effort involved with fletching, we should be able to produce the ammo we want without hitting such a major bug. For any who aren't familiar with this particular glitch, certain arrows or bolts produced with arrowheads or caps AND visible fletchings turn out like this: You also see anturn faewood bolt fletched with gold-swept red feathers and tipped with a mithril drakar cap. This is quite annoying.
I don't know if other arrowheads or caps from the same merchant are also defective as I didn't purchase any.
Please look into this and see if they can be fixed. Thanks!! :)
~ Tkarra the Master Fletcher (and friends)
PS: Cross-posted in Game Design - Items and Inventory and Ebon Gate Festival