Sorry for the caps title, but I'm pretty sure most people just give this folder a cursory scan at best. I wanted to share some useful resources for any new or returning players that feel overwhelmed by the volume of information necessary to play GS these days.
The first and most useful is Krakiipedia ( It's a Gemstone IV wiki with thousands of player- and staff- written articles covering just about every mechanic in the game. It's very useful and kept up-to-date by a number of dedicated editors. Just about any question can be answered here, if you know what to search for.
The second resource is the unofficial GS forums, known as the Player's Corner or the PC ( The PC is largely uncensored and unmoderated so there can be some harsh language and inflammatory topics, but ultimately, it is the more used of the two GS forums. Many people buy and sell GS items on the PC exclusively and it has a large search-able database. Also, anyone can make an account so if you're on a trial account and you have questions that don't get answered in game, go ahead and ask on the PC.
Lastly, I want to mention Lich ( Lich is a third-party, open source scripting engine that more and more players are taking advantage of every day. It has a global Out Of Context (OOC) chat channel (another useful place to ask questions) and literally hundreds of labor-saving scripts to download, with more being uploaded all the time. One of the most useful perks for new players is the map, which creates a pop-up window that shows your location and nearby landmarks, hunting areas and stores as you move through the game.
Hope these help ease the confusion. While these are all very useful resources, I'd highly recommend asking folks for advice in-game as we have an extremely helpful player base who would be willing to assist in an in-context manner. If you see Droit around Elanthia, feel free to say hi!
Speaking to you, the ghostly voice of Kaedra asks, "Have I ever told you, I think you're crazy?"
The ghostly voice of Kaedra says, "That was an insane rescue."