anyone use weebly?
Today I got a website put together. I am no web master. It isn't the prettiet thing in the world. But for those interested:
I am having trouble registering a new user. After I set up the site, I wanted to get my posting account name set up so I signed up with weebly with the new name, got to the forums, sent in the request for access, and then went to the other account to process the request. In the forum admin section, I saw no new memebers requests pending. According to the website I needed to have the requestee also post something in order to make it work.
I found without being accepted as a member yet (which I coulnd't since it wasn't showing up in the Member section in the forum Admin) I couldn't post. I ended up lifting the restriction on needing to manually authorize new members and my posting name finally made her post, at which point I could then "promote" her membership level to Moderator or Admin. So, the key seems to be not having any restriction on who is allowed membership and anyone who wanted to could join. I'd prefer not to have this.
Anyone familiar with using Weebly hosted forums willing to hold my hand with this a bit?