Official Communication Effort 09/16/2016 01:42 PM CDT
Hey everyone, in an attempt to help communicate better with players, I've decided to break the barrier and create an account on the Players' Corner. I won't be doing announcements or partaking in a lot of discussions, but I'm just going to stop by to help clear things up from time to time. I'll also answer questions that get directed to staff should it need some sort of official intervention.

Wyrom, PM
Re: Official Communication Effort 09/16/2016 05:08 PM CDT
(Runs to delete every post he's made since 2006)

Which one? There's apparently two of them now. :rolleyes: long story.

Good luck! Avoid the politics section :D
Re: Official Communication Effort 09/16/2016 10:06 PM CDT
Uh oh.

Time for the infamous bad reps that make people quit our community.

Well, it was nice knowing you, Wyrom!
Re: Official Communication Effort 09/17/2016 07:30 AM CDT
Only Nixon could go to China. Good stuff.