F2P Transfer Fee Waiver 10/05/2017 08:54 PM CDT
Has any thought been given to the possibility of waiving the $20 transfer fee for moving an F2P character to a paid account? I'm thinking of the most recent "hardcore" competitions in Plat and now proposed in prime where starting out as F2P may be a popular choice, but once past a certain level, people participating in said competition may want to transfer the character to their paid account. I would also think this would incentivize people to transfer an F2P character to being a paid sub, meaning more revenue potential. I think F2P is also a great way for existing sub accounts to try different races/builds/professions then be able to transfer the ones they really like to their existing paid account.
Re: F2P Transfer Fee Waiver 10/05/2017 09:34 PM CDT
+ 1
