Evoke 410 for Single-Target Please? 05/02/2016 01:19 PM CDT
It's been brought up before, but a few classes suffer from the lack of access to 410. Wizards, Bards, and Sorcerers mainly.

There are a few alternatives, but they require specific training paths to leverage.

1. 501 for Wizards - which requires you over-train in MjE spell ranks
2. 1005 for Bards - which requires you be heavily trained in bard spells
3. 708 for Sorcerers - which requires you train in spell aiming
4. 505 for Wizards - which requires you be proficient at bolting

410 does not require a specific training path, only that you have the spell training in MnE and have a similar level to the target.

If F2P accounts were able to evoke 410 for a single-target variety of the spell (basically the same spell as 1207), then it would go a long way to balancing these casting classes when compared to other F2P classes. They would not be able to AoE CC rooms, or be a threat to anyone passing through. It would just provide a more reliable disable spell that doesn't require training a specific way. As it stands Bards tend to be the weakest F2P class due to how many of their spells are disabled (room / area spells) and their lack of disabling options.

As an aside, it would also be great if 410 had an evoke version that allowed you to cast it for 7 mana at a single target as this would benefit everyone in the game who currently has access to the spell. It would give a less risky way to disable a single target (no risk of knocking over other players as they enter the room) while relieving some of the mana cost for an AoE spell when you need to disable just a single target.
Re: Evoke 410 for Single-Target Please? 05/06/2016 02:35 PM CDT

+1. This is a good idea. I hope it's easy to code!
Re: Evoke 410 for Single-Target Please? 05/07/2016 01:56 AM CDT
I like this, but I'd kind of think to fundamentally change it up for everyone myself.

I think the entire aspect of spells that aren't friendly to players is dumb. Make normal versions of open spells naturally friendly to PCs across the board. Make an EVOKE version that hits other PCs, and simply deny that version to F2P.

It's like we are balancing the game on "don't do this too often, someone else might walk in!" but 20 years later I'm just not impressed with this concept anymore.
Re: Evoke 410 for Single-Target Please? 05/07/2016 07:36 PM CDT
I agree with the sentiment but disagree with the solutions.

Toiling away to finally get a level as a F2P, getting your new spell, going to cast it, and being told that the spell is straight up banned for you because of the slight potential for bad seeds is the opposite of fun. It's a ice bath on what should be an accomplishment.

Instead, I suggest:

F2P can cast all open spells. If they tag a player, a child, or another other non-hostile NPC, a flag is set and their ability to do so is revoked. No cooldown, no second chance, just straight-up revoked.

F2P get a second BOOST GIFT option, GIFT OF FASH'LO'NAE, which can restore the ability to cast open spells. It takes N Gifts of Fash'lo'nae to restore your open spell usage, where N is the number of times your open spellcasting has been revoked.