Cothinar, cuctucae, and more. 10/24/2015 07:20 PM CDT
Are the following foraged herbs intended to be unusable by F2P accounts?

cothinar flower
cuctucae berry
strigae cactus
marallis berry
spearmint leaf
tkaro root

In addition, does 208 (Living Spell) require a pass to use on enemy NPC's?
Re: Cothinar, cuctucae, and more. 11/01/2015 03:21 AM CST
Worth checking Yabathilium fruit as well. It's generally better than the berries.

LOL at spearmint leaf. I guess they want to insist F2P to be stinky!

Check out who's dying any time!

>Daid: Pretty sure you have a whole big bucket as your penny jar. You never have only two cents. :p