Timer for empath healing [TOUCH Person LINK] 02/17/2017 09:22 AM CST
Hi, can we please be presented with some sort of duration or countdown on the empath healer link for F2P? It's unclear what we're supposed to do next or how long we need to wait. Especially since subsequent messages are exactly the same, which makes it seem like you entered the wrong command the first time (even though I used the clicky link in StormFront).

>transfer Person nerve
You meditate over Person.
You must establish an empathic link with Person [TOUCH Person LINK] before you can transfer her wounds.
As you touch Person, you concentrate on establishing an empathic link.
>transfer Person nerve
You meditate over Person.
You must establish an empathic link with Person [TOUCH Person LINK] before you can transfer her wounds.
>Some time later...
You sense a successful empathic link has been forged between you and Person.