Monk Orb, Blessing Lore, Armor Use, Stalk/Hide, Ambush Orbs. Update 1. 11/02/2012 03:41 PM CDT

an ancient kelyn war mattock

2x, +5 Armor Use Bonus, level 15, persists

MB 50k

an acid-stained mossbark short bow

+ 9 Stalking and Hiding Bonus
+ 9 Ambush Bonus
Level 27, Persists, Giantman Charges

MB 500k

a malachite-set ora circlet

Rechargeable Foraging Spell
+1 Spiritual Lore - Blessing Ranks
Persists, non-crumbly

MB 150k to Inmortalis (Unofficials)

a flame-cut smoky topaz headband

+ 8 Mental Lore - Transformation Bonus
+ 6 FA Ranks
+3 INF Stat

Does not Persist, lots of charges

Great Monk Orb. MB 1m

Send along any bids to

