This is the story as told by Chronicler Zuggy, Officer of Helden Hall in a conversation with Chamorr.
The Tale of The Flying Metal Dragon!
You say, "One fall afternoon."
Chamorr nods.
You say, "A great metal dragon was found outside the north gate."
You say, "The crowds gathered and examined the beast."
Chamorr nods.
You say, "And one of our heroes found a way to open the beasts mouth."
You say, "Exposing it's shinning metal teeth."
You say, "Blades and Metabocolous entered the mouth with weapons drawn."
Chamorr nods.
You say, "As they entered they spied a great forge."
You say, "It's embers cold."
Chamorr nods.
You say, "And the fuel stacks depleted."
You say, "So they gathered a group and went to the forest."
You say, "To cut trees."
You say, "Leaving the wizards and other thinkers to figure out the strange mechanism."
Chamorr smiles.
You say, "When they returned with a wagon filled with logs."
You say, "They loaded the fuel racks."
You say, "And discussed what the others had discovered."
Chamorr nods.
Chamorr ponders.
You say, "They came to the conclusion that the first thing needed was a huge fire."
You say, "So putting logs and tinder in the forge."
Chamorr heartily says, "Now, why would ya wanna wake a dragon for."
You say, "A wizard cast a spell and the forge burst to life."
Chamorr nods.
You shrug.
You ask, "I guess they thought it would be fun?"
You laugh out loud!
You shake your head.
Chamorr heartily says, "Ahh the good ol days."
You say, "But they did."
You say, "And once the forge was ablaze."
You say, "Someone pushed the bellows."
You say, "Flames and smoke shot from the dragon's nostrils."
Chamorr nods.
You say, "They turned a crank."
You say, "And the wings moved."
You say, "And pulled a pulley and the tail moved."
You say, "They pulled a lever and a gear engaged the crank."
You say, "And the wings began to flap."
You say, "They quickly pushed the lever."
You say, "And the wings ceased movement."
You say, "So they discussed their next action."
You say, "They gathered a band of adventurers."
Chamorr nods.
You say, "Who entered the beast."
You say, "And they were off."
Chamorr heartily says, "Awesome."
You say, "As they climbed ever higher into the sky."
You say, "They learned to steer the metal beast."
You say, "To swoop and to dive."
Chamorr heartily says, "Huh."
You say, "And pull up, just in the nick of time."
You say, "So they decided to go higher, above the mountains."
You say, "To see what could be seen from that great height."
You say, "But as they rose on the winds, they felt giddy with their experience."
You say, "It was then that the steering became unsteady."
You say, "And they realized that they no longer were in control."
Chamorr rubs his chin thoughtfully.
You say, "The great beast roared and breathed fire."
You say, "Setting trees on the mountain tops to flame."
You say, "And then it happened."
You say, "Abruptly the metal beast turned seaward."
Chamorr heartily says, "What."
You say, "And flew off into the unknown territories."
Chamorr heartily says, "Ahh."
You say, "As the beast flew further out to sea dissension consumed the group."
You say, "Some wanted to extiguish the forge."
You say, "And others wishrd to see the dragon's desired destination."
Chamorr nods.
You say, "Those that wished to extinguish the forge."
You say, "Were put down, the others saying we will crash and surely drown."
You say, "And so they flew on."
Chamorr nods.
You say, "Eventually they came to land on a volcanic island."
You say, "Where they were met by a sorceror."
Chamorr rubs his chin thoughtfully.
You say, "Who thanked them for returning his creation to him."
You say, "They spoke and were welcomed."
You say, "But as they slept that night."
You say, "They were quietly carried into the dungeons."
Chamorr heartily says, "Dang."
You say, "One of the heroes awakened."
You say, "And fought with all he had."
You say, "He freed his comrades and together they defeated their captors."
You say, "Then the sorceror approached."
Chamorr heartily says, "Good."
You say, "Laughed and declared their doom."
You say, "He tole them they had fallen into his web and would be the fire God"
Chamorr heartily says, "Sheesh."
Chamorr heartily says, "Sorcs."
You say, "They of course would have none of that."
You say, "And fought for life and limb."
You say, "Many fell."
You say, "But none were left behind as they made their way back to the metal beast."
You say, "Somehow."
You say, "And this is where the story gets sketchy."
Chamorr heartily says, "I see."
You say, "The sorceror was encapsulated."
You say, "Subdued."
You say, "But not totally defeated."
Chamorr nods.
You say, "However, enough so he no longer held sway over the dragon."
You say, "Our heroes were able secure fuel once more."
You say, "This time in the form of barrels of oil and took flight again."
Chamorr nods.
You say, "Now they headed home as best they knew."
You say, "But as they approached land and territory they recognized."
You say, "The beast seemed to come back to life."
You say, "And it fought against their control."
Chamorr heartily says, "Uh oh."
You say, "And pulled them off course."
You say, "It swooped amd climbed."
You say, "And our heroes toppled this way and that."
You say, "Some even fell from the beasts maw."
You say, "Into oblivion."
You say, "The wizards among the crew chanted magical wardings, but could not regain complete control."
You say, "Finally, as luck would have it, the fates turned to their favor and the fuel diminished."
You say, "The forge began to cool."
You say, "The beast came back into control."
You say, "Its crew once more steered the dragon toward the landing."
Chamorr nods.
Chamorr heartily says, "Outta gas."
You nod in agreement.
You say, "The empaths healed the group and the lone cleric raised the dead as they prepared for reunification with the town."
You say, "But the fuel was now gone."
Chamorr nods.
You say, "And they were soaring only on wind currents and flared wings."
You say, "So one of them made a leadership decision and aimed the beast at Lake Eonak."
Chamorr nods.
You say, "Where it crashed down down with a tremendous splash."
You say, "And our heroes swam to shore."
Chamorr nods.
Chamorr heartily says, "Nice."
You say, "Turning they watched as the beast sank, steam streaming from it's now closed mouth."
You say, "A full moon and stars twinkled a last goodbye to the beast."
Chamorr applauds.
You say, "As it disappeared beneath the waves."
The End
Re: The Tale of The Flying Metal Dragon!
02/10/2017 02:22 AM CST
Great read, thanks for sharing!
Re: The Tale of The Flying Metal Dragon!
02/10/2017 04:19 PM CST
I want a giant flying steam dragon now...
Maybe I can find one and shrink it down like the D'awn Rose...
Maybe I can find one and shrink it down like the D'awn Rose...
Re: The Tale of The Flying Metal Dragon!
02/10/2017 05:28 PM CST
Thanks for sharing. I totally love seeing the old school stories.
For a visual to go along with the story [and assuming I'm looking at the correct dragon... it has a chamber for Melgorehn in it, so I'm going with 'yes'], from the outside it pre-crash looked like:
The dragon must be a hundred yards, head to tail. It is one of the large, peacock-colored ones. Its shiny, black scales reflect an eerie myriad of oily colors. Presently the huge beast seems to be sleeping and has made no notice of you. Strangely enough you can detect no breathing at all. Its mouth is slightly ajar (which is quite enough to inhale a horse) but you hear no sounds of life. Huge wings are swept back over its body in a tightly folded pattern, and its tail is laid out straight behind it like an arrow.
From nearby, you hear Ordim yell, "Dont eat meeeeee!"
For a visual to go along with the story [and assuming I'm looking at the correct dragon... it has a chamber for Melgorehn in it, so I'm going with 'yes'], from the outside it pre-crash looked like:
The dragon must be a hundred yards, head to tail. It is one of the large, peacock-colored ones. Its shiny, black scales reflect an eerie myriad of oily colors. Presently the huge beast seems to be sleeping and has made no notice of you. Strangely enough you can detect no breathing at all. Its mouth is slightly ajar (which is quite enough to inhale a horse) but you hear no sounds of life. Huge wings are swept back over its body in a tightly folded pattern, and its tail is laid out straight behind it like an arrow.
From nearby, you hear Ordim yell, "Dont eat meeeeee!"
Re: The Tale of The Flying Metal Dragon!
02/10/2017 09:33 PM CST
I have a vague recollection that it may have been Zharahk (sp?? Player was Steve Harms) who was steering--such as it was--because at one of the D.C. gathers he was telling the tale about the mechanical dragon.
Re: The Tale of The Flying Metal Dragon!
02/11/2017 01:15 AM CST
[Dragon, Melgorehn's Bedchamber]
This room is a plushly appointed and incongruously elegant bedchamber. It seems totally out of place with the grim, functional machine you have tranversed so far. Velvet drapes hide the metal plates of the walls, and muffle the clanging vibrations that still reach here. The curved floor is covered with luxurious skins of wondrous and rare animals. A high silver throne with a matching silver footstool occupies the far end of the chamber, opposite the large, plush bed that dominates the room. You also see an evil warlock and a giant trunk with a small plaque on it.
Obvious exits: east.
>Level: 46
>Strongest foe vanquished: an infernal lich
This room is a plushly appointed and incongruously elegant bedchamber. It seems totally out of place with the grim, functional machine you have tranversed so far. Velvet drapes hide the metal plates of the walls, and muffle the clanging vibrations that still reach here. The curved floor is covered with luxurious skins of wondrous and rare animals. A high silver throne with a matching silver footstool occupies the far end of the chamber, opposite the large, plush bed that dominates the room. You also see an evil warlock and a giant trunk with a small plaque on it.
Obvious exits: east.
>Level: 46
>Strongest foe vanquished: an infernal lich