[Cross post with the Solhaven folder because it's also relevant to her current activities in town.]
Rohese replaced the empty teacup onto its saucer and sat back in her cushioned chair with a contented smile. The last few days had been busy but productive: she had finally had the opportunity to raise awareness of her cause with the Baron, write a few letters home, complete the plans for an exciting new building project, and was now in possession of the final proofs of her latest venture.
Elanthian Vogue had been a work in progress for The Looking Glass for some time and she was pleased to see that the publication was finally going to be launched.
I think I deserve another tea to celebrate! Giggling to herself, she bundled the glossy pages together and put them into her folio, along with the day’s correspondence. She rose and entered the Café Dumont, approaching the counter with a warm smile for its owner. She ordered another lavender tea and decided to treat herself to a dash of honey this time.
Returning to her seat on the patio, she closed her eyes and allowed the warmth of the morning sun to bathe her pale face. Her thoughts turned to the events of the other evening. There is still much to do but we’ve certainly made a good start. Her brow furrowed a little as she recalled the barbed remarks made about her party but quickly brushed them aside as she didn’t wish them to spoil her day.
She took a sip of her hot fragrant tea and opened the folio again. It is of no matter, I must focus on the job in hand.
OOC note:
I am excited to share another Looking Glass project with you and hope that, like Elanthian Fashion Week, it becomes another popular addition to our MHO remit. Elanthian Vogue is essentially an IC magazine made up of many components including fashion, beauty, lifestyle, culture, and "runway". The aim is to publish several editions regularly throughout the year to replace the old seasonal trend discussions, promote fashion-related events, and provide some fun little tips and insights into playing GS Barbie and becoming a fashionista.
We will hopefully be working in close collaboration with the TownCrier and welcome input in terms of feedback, suggestions and even articles that you may wish to submit for consideration. For more information and the first edition, please see the new GS wiki page ( https://gswiki.play.net/Elanthian_Vogue )
Due to the limitations of actually being able to publish material in game, copies of each edition will be posted on both the wiki and the Elanthian Elegance website. I will, of course, endeavour to keep everyone informed when the next edition is live.
>>You slay me woman! ~ Wyrom