A warm evening breeze brings with it the heady fragrance of lavender and thyme.
Rohese gazes wistfully out of the open window at the garden below and sighs. So much to do still and so little time!
Turning her attention back to the letters on her desk, she adds a final flourish to her signature and replaces the quill in the inkwell.
“I think that’s everyone,” she remarks, nodding to the young elf standing beside her. “All the letters are ready to go out now.”
Rohese smiles gratefully up at him and hands over a stack of crisp white parchment.
“See that those are delivered as soon as possible.”
<Time … never enough time.>
"Now, where to hold the Champagne Reception?” Running her well-manicured finger down the guest list, she notes the names of a few dignitaries and ponders her options.
“It needs to be somewhere large enough for a formal gathering and in a suitably prestigious setting.”
Gazing out of the window once more, lost in her thoughts, the image of an enameled white horologe set in a verdigris medallion high on a shining glass wall comes to mind.
<Time … time. TIME!>
“Of course! The Alerreth Museum in Ta’Illistim!”
OOC Note: This is the fourth in a series of short vignettes or teasers for a week-long collaborative event coming this summer. If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to email me at elanthianelegance5115@gmail.com or check out https://sites.google.com/site/elanthianelegance/events/elanthian-fashion-week-5116 for updates.
A meeting was held last weekend which generated a lot of fabulous ideas and interest from CHEs. I would love to have some MHOs on-board too so please let me know if you're interested in doing something during the week, I am more than happy to help in anyway to enable that.
>>You slay me woman! ~ Wyrom